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This is my favorite picture of Harry ^



"Go on," Harry urges. He giggles as he places his hands on my back in an attempt to shove me up the stage stairs. "Go up there, Amelia,"

"No way," I argue. I laugh as I try to escape Harry but he blocks me on every angle I try to bolt.

"Pleaseeeee, love bug," Harry whines, very well knowing I absolutely melt when he calls me that.

I whip around in his arms, meeting his pleading green eyes. He looks utterly adorable as he sticks out his bottom lip in a pout.

He's been trying to convince me to go on stage for about 10 minutes now. Something about wanting a picture of me behind the microphone, but I refused, saying I was too 'shy'. Yes, being on stage intimidates me, but I found it amusing to annoy Harry with my stubbornness.

"Nope," I tell him, popping the 'p'.

Harry narrows his eyes in a playful way, his lips also pursing as he looks at me with an unreadable expression. I grin at him in an attempt to swoon my way out of going on stage, but Harry abruptly bends down and swings me over his shoulder like I'm a rag doll.

"Harry!" I squeal from shock.

Both of us are in a laughing fit as he carries me up the stage stairs and over to the microphone that is front and center. I pound my hands on his back but to no prevail. He doesn't set me down until we are right on the edge of the stage.

"Now pose here and smile, dammit, so I can take a cute picture of you," Harry fake threatens me.

I giggle and up Harry's face in mine before lightly pressing my lips to his. I feel him smile and brush his tongue against my bottom lip, but I pull away before he can slip it into my mouth.

"Do you want a picture? Or a real kiss from me?" I ask him somewhat seductively, my lips still touching his.

I can practically feel Harry's shaky intake of breath as I pull away. His pupils are beyond dilated, meaning I was successful in my 'mission'.

"Picture...?" Harry says, but it comes out as more of a question than anything.

I raise my eyebrows at him, but smirk and back away so I can get ready for this Godforsaken photo Harry is insistent upon. Harry rubs his lips together, glued to his spot. I can practically see the internal debate going on in his head about what he should do. My threat was empty but he doesn't know that. If he asked me to kiss him, I would. I just like ruffling his feathers a little bit.

"Well go on," I say to Harry, who's still stuck in his spot as he looks at me. "You wanted a picture of me up here and now here I am,"

Harry huffs and then grumbles a string of what sounds like profanities as he walks past me and back to the ground floor, leaving me alone on stage. He fumbles with his phone, giving me some time to pick a pose. I've always been awkward with pictures. I'm not naturally photogenic like seemingly everyone else. Shannon used to try to give me pointers to make me look better, but they always wound up looking somehow worse.

"Ready, babe?" I hear Harry.

He grins as he looks up at me, holding his phone in my direction. I nod and shimmy over to the microphone, grabbing it like I'm about to sing. Harry chuckles as I smile as big as I possibly can. It isn't hard to do while looking at him and within seconds, he's captured probably dozens of photos.

"Now you have to sing!" Harry yells so I can hear him.

My face turns deep red and I feverishly nod.

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