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It's relatively early in the day still and I sit on the couch in my mum's living room, vaguely listening to something that her and Gemma are talking about. I think it has something to do with Gemma's boyfriend, Michal, but I'm not entirely sure. My mind has been wandering around Amelia all day, and especially now that she is outside again, conversing with Robin. 

This is the third time the two have split from the rest of us to have some sort of private conversation. The first time happened when they initially met, and then the second time last night when we came for dinner. It warms my heart to see how close they have gotten within such a short amount of time, but at the same time I am beyond curious to know what they are discussing. Both of them refuse to tell anyone else any details about it and it's maddening. I'm not one to particularly stick my nose into anyone's business, but since it involves my girlfriend and step-father, I'm intrigued. 

Gemma suggested they might be gossiping about me, which I wish wasn't as likely as it is. Both of them aren't necessarily into gossiping but I don't know what else they would be talking about, especially with that much enthusiasm. Every time I glance out the window to see what they are up to outside, they are either engaged in a serious looking conversation or they are laughing about who knows what. 

"Harry," I hear a voice vaguely say. "Earth to Harry!" 

I shake my head to come out of the trance I was in and focus in on Gemma waving a hand in front of my face. 

"What?" I ask, swatting her hand away. 

"You zoned out again," Gemma tells me, an amused expression on her face. "That's at least the fifth time today. What's going on in your head Harry?" 

"Nothing," I mumble. 

"Someone sounds a little lovestruck," Mum comments, earning a glare from me. "You mope around like a lost puppy every time Amelia leaves your side, love,"

"I do not -"

"Oh hush. Don't even try to argue with me because you know it's true. It's not a bad thing, dear, it's just an observation," 

My cheeks flush a deep red color. I can't even deny what she's saying isn't true. I suppose I just thought it was less obvious than inside of my head that I missed Amelia whenever she wasn't with me. Maybe I am acting like a 'lost puppy'.

"Someone's in love," Gemma says in a singsong voice. "When are you going to propose?"

My eyes go wide as soon as the words fall from her lips. She laughs at the terrified expression that crosses my features. 

"I am not proposing anytime soon," I stammer, slightly flabbergasted from her question. "We've only been dating for like six months," 

Gemma rolls her eyes. 

"That is the longest time you have ever dated a girl -"

"That is not true," I cut her off. 

"Harry," Mum says, interrupting our conversation. I turn to look at her. "I'm with Gemma on this one. I'm sorry, love," 

I open my mouth to disagree, but I quickly shut it when I realize that they're right. I don't believe I've ever been in a serious relationship for six months or longer. Maybe I've come close to that, perhaps with my first girlfriend, but even then I wasn't as serious as I am now. I won't even glance in another girl's direction because of how in love I am with the girl sitting outside right now. 

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