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Hi everyone, 

It feels weird posting because of everything going on but I do so with the hopes it can provide some sort of escape to life.

I am from the USA and things are crazy over here, as I am sure you are all aware of. I stand with the protestors and as an ally to the Black Lives Matter movement. Please stay safe out there if you choose to protest (wear a mask, bring water, consider wearing protective eye gear etc). I went to one yesterday that was incredibly peaceful but also be mindful that things can change. And of course if you can't protest, donate if you can; sign petitions; use your platforms to talk about everything going on. 

If my updates lag, part of it has to do with my general anxiety but I have also been trying to be more active in my community lately. I try to get on here when I can and I have some big things planned for this book which I hope you'll all enjoy :)

If you ever need anyone to talk to, please know that I am ALWAYS here. Choose love, give love. 


- Zoe



Harry bought the apartment. He paid for it in full the day Robert showed it to us. We have to wait about a week to wait for the paperwork to be finalized, but Harry and I are officially moving in together. 

We were exceptionally giddy yesterday after sealing the deal. Harry and I were acting like two kids about to open up presents on Christmas. He took me out for a fancy dinner and then made love to me several times that night. 

I never really believed in the term 'making love' before Harry. It was all just sex to me and primarily focused on the act. It was something fun and romantic to do with someone you liked but last night was different. Nothing was rushed or overly sexual, believe it or not. It was filled with complete adoration and no one else mattered in the world except for Harry and I in that moment. 

I woke up this morning in a daze because of it. I was on cloud nine and all of my previous worries  completely vanished. I had almost forgotten that my phone number and information was leaked. Even when I did ultimately remember, I wasn't nearly as annoyed and anxious about it as I was prior. I have a new phone number now so that aspect is resolved. As for all the things fans have to say about me, I'm not really letting it bother me. Sure some of them are possessive over Harry and have negative things to say but for the most part it actually seems like people are supportive. It warms my heart to know people are genuinely happy for the both of us. I hope to build a relationship with those fans. 

It is currently a little later in the day and Harry and I are walking through Central Park, hand in hand while we talk about everything coming up in the future, mainly for Harry. He tells me of his busy schedule coming up and I can tell he is stressed about leaving me constantly to go back and forth to all of these different places. He's alluded to possibly bringing me along with him but he has not outright invited me yet. I think he is hesitant because he doesn't want to uproot my life so I opt not to pressure him into anything.

"So I'm leaving the day after tomorrow," Harry tells me, softly. "I probably should have left sooner if I'm being honest but I just wanted a little bit more Amelia time," 

I smile and give Harry's hand a squeeze. 

"I don't want to interfere with your life Harry," I lightheartedly respond. 

"You are my life, Amelia. I wanted to stay, don't worry about that. I'll take being jet lagged for a couple more days to spend time with you," he says. 

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