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HELLO I'm sorry this took so long. School's been a little hectic (especially since I am so checked out from literally just graduating lol) and I've also been working on my new book because I'd like to publish it sometime in the future. So far I really like how it's coming out :) 



The flight home seemed agonizingly long. I knew Mikey was decently okay, but I was still worried sick for him. I also lacked Harry's presence, per my own request, but selfishly I wish he was here to keep my mind off of things. I miss him, but at the same time it's more important for him to be home. I know he isn't thrilled about being away from me, but it's for the best right now, even if he doesn't realize it. 

I sigh heavily as I pull into my former home's driveway, trying to expel my nerves. I know Mikey is relatively okay from what my parents have told me, but I still worry. This year has been rough on him in general from bullies so the last thing he needs right now is an injury. 

As I'm getting out of my car, I hear the front door swing open. I glance over and see my father standing in the doorway with his arms crossed and these awful red shorts on. 

"Didn't think you'd be back so soon," he says as I walk towards him. 

"Harry managed to book me the first flight home that we could," I explain. 

I give my father a quick hug and then the two of us enter the house completely. It smells of various spices, leading me to believe that dinner is being cooked. As hungry as I am, however, I'll probably wind up passing out after seeing Mikey due to the lack of sleep I have gotten. I barely managed to fall asleep on the plane because of my racing thoughts and never-ending anxiety. 

"Harry's a good guy. I'm glad he's treating you well. Living together has been okay?" Dad continues as we walk mindlessly to the kitchen. 

"It's only been a couple of days but so far it's been more than okay. I'm still getting used to the idea of the elevator opening right up to our floor, but other than that I really like it. I feel safe there and I think Harry and I will work well together," I respond. 

Mom glances over at us from where she stands at the stove and gives us a warm smile as we stand by the kitchen table. My mouth waters slightly at the smell of roasted garlic. I was planning on only staying awake long enough to see Mikey, but now I know I'll be able to make it for dinner. I barely ate earlier from nerves so not only am I exhausted from not sleeping, but I'm starving. 

"We'll have to come over for dinner sometime, if that's okay with Harry. We haven't seen the finished apartment yet," she says. 

"I'm sure Harry would love to have you over. The kids can come too - "

"Oh they'll be thrilled. Charlie keeps asking when they can have a massive sleepover at your place," Dad cuts me off. 

I purse my lips. I'm not completely against the idea. I think it would be a fun 'vacation' for them, especially now with them officially being out of school. It could keep them out of my parents hair for a little bit. Plus it would help Emma with babysitting the boys. I know she isn't all too fond of looking after them when I'm not around. 

"They can come over tomorrow if they want. I'm not sure if Mikey would be up for it but it could be a little trip or vacation for them," I suggest. 

Mom turns around completely and sighs. She sports a look of concentration as she thinks of my proposal. 

"I mean...I'm sure Mikey would be okay. He's a little shaken up but as long as he's not doing too much physical activity, he'll be okay," she slowly says. 

Let's Love TonightOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora