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Hello I'm back lol Sorry for the delay. 

I have been really drained of energy lately so I'm sorry if this chapter isn't the best! I haven't been sleeping and the other day I went to a protest/march.

On the bright side I have a new Harry book coming (yes I know I've mentioned this before but I'm super excited about it). Obviously it's very Harry oriented BUT it also has a lot of One Direction involved. I'm not sure when it will be out since I have two Harry books to keep up with at the moment, but soon enough :)



I anxiously stand outside my car, leaning against it as I wait for Harry to come out of the airport. He landed about a half hour ago so he should be coming out any time now, assuming he already has his luggage. 

I've been looking forward to his arrival since the minute he left. I hate being without him, especially now that we've gotten back together. I feel the unnecessary need to make up for lost time, even though we couldn't have been on a break for more than a couple weeks. Still, it felt like an eternity. 

I'm also excited to see his reaction when he sees me here. Originally I told him my mom would be picking him up since I had a 'prior commitment' but that was just a ploy so I could surprise him. He always manages to give me little gifts and surprises so this was something I knew I could handle. It's small but I know he'll like it since the disappointment was clear in his voice when I told him I couldn't be the one to pick him up. 

After waiting another five or so minutes, I see Harry exit the terminal doors. He looks charming in skinny jeans, Chelsea boots, a plain t-shirt, and that fisherman's cap he's grown to like recently. He briefly checks his cell phone and then his eyes scan the area around him, presumably searching for my mother. Eventually his sight is set on me. A huge grin breaks out on his face and I wave at him, my own smile forming to match him. 

He's quick to jog over to me, immediately wrapping his arms around my waist and spinning me around. I laugh as I hold onto him. 

"There's my rockstar," I say in his ear. 

He sets me down and gingerly kisses my lips, his smile never fading. 

"What are you doing here?" he asks when we pull away. 

I shrug. 

"Thought I could surprise you," I admit. 

"This is the best surprise. Not that I don't love your mum but I've been dying to see you," Harry tells me, causing me to smile. 

I open my mouth to respond but a man clad in white button up shirt and black vest approaches Harry and I. He pushes a luggage cart filled with about three suitcases, which I am assuming are Harry's. 

"Ah Stephen! Thank you so much," Harry says to the man, or rather boy because he doesn't look older than 18. 

"No problem," Stephen replies. 

Him and Harry exchange a couple more words and while they do I walk over to my trunk and open it. It's not particularly large but I think we can fit two of Harry's suitcases in it and then the third can fit in the backseat. 

Stephen and Harry immediately each take a bag and load it in the trunk. I take this opportunity to open the backseat and put the third bag in. It's exceptionally beautiful, clad in an all over Gucci material. I'm absolutely terrified to scratch it as I place it in my car. 

"Thank you, Stephen!" I hear Harry say as I shut my car door. I walk over to his side and smile as he shakes Stephen's hand. The boy beams at the tip Harry left in his palm and profusely thanks him. "It's my pleasure. I appreciate your help,"

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