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Hello I am back! Sorry for the delay. I was feeling a little worse than I thought from surgery so I literally could not update and I've been in this really weird mood since. Physically, I'm much better but I haven't been up to writing much ugh. I'll be stewing with ideas but won't be able to write any of them down and it's FrUsTrAtInG lol



I'm sitting at my desk in my office, typing away on my computer. I've been working on this project now for a couple of months and I'm hoping to have it published soon. If the publishing house that wants to hire me likes me, I'm hoping they'll take a chance on my work and publish it. The next couple of months are going to be very important because I'm determined to have this book printed and hopefully soon. 

A knock on my door temporarily disturbs my thoughts. I glance up and immediately smile when I see Harry leaning against the doorframe. He looks charming with his curls pulled back with a butterfly clip and slight stubble on his upper lip. Normally he's been rather clean shaven, but as he prepares to leave for his tour, I think the stress has caused him to let his facial hair grow out. 

"I love this," Harry says, biting his lip as he looks at me. 

"Love what?" I ask him, cocking my head to the side while I set my gaze on him. 

He shrugs. 

"Just seeing you work," he replies. I blush as I try to suppress a smile. "You're cute when you're concentrating. Must be working on something good," 

I quickly exit out of the project I was working on on my computer so Harry can't see as he walks around to my side of the desk. I prefer to keep my projects a secret until the opportune time to reveal them. I suppose it didn't go as planned when I wrote about Harry for my senior thesis in college, but this is entirely different. 

I'm half expecting Harry to sit on the edge of my desk when he comes around to me, but instead he plants himself on my lap and curls up into my body like a child. I giggle and wrap my arms around him, pulling him close as he nuzzles into my neck. I feel like I should be more uncomfortable than I am but Harry isn't all too heavy. He's definitely tall but he's lanky and thin. In fact, I think he's been losing weight recently. He mentioned something to me about possibly modeling for Gucci, plus I'm sure the stress he's been enduring hasn't helped.  

"I love you," Harry whispers his favorite phrase to me. 

I smile while the familiar feeling of butterflies dance in my stomach. 

"I love you, too," I tell him. 

"For eternity?" 

"Yes, Harry. For the rest of time,"

Since our night camping a couple weeks ago, Harry has been obsessed both with telling me that he loves me but also with telling me that he'll love me forever. I'll admit that I'm beginning to get addicted to it, but at the same time it scares me. My fear of love, although significantly less than before I met Harry, still lingers in the back of my mind. Every now and then I get a worrisome thought that Harry will grow tired of me and realize I'm not the woman for him. 

"Do you want to go on a walk?" I ask Harry. "We've been cooped up in the apartment since we got back from camping. Maybe we could grab something to eat while we're out as well," 

Harry hums and cuddles closer to me. 

"Okay," he says, softly. 

We stay in this position for a couple more minutes. I almost thought Harry fell asleep from how quiet and relaxed he seemed but the thought was short lived after he started pressing small kisses to my neck. I never imagined falling in love with such an affectionate sap but I couldn't imagine myself being with anyone else.

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