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My eyes dart across Harry's paper, reading every single word of the fourteen - well technically fifteen with the title page - pages of it. It's imperfect and filled with grammar and punctuation errors. There are even a few words that Harry crossed out and hand-wrote the corrected version above it. But I don't focus on all the flaws because the paper is actually quite beautiful in itself.

I might be a writer, but Harry is a poet. His sentences are very lyrical and romantic and I find myself more emotional than I would like to be while reading it.

I didn't think it was possible to feel this way. With my ex-boyfriend, Lucas, I thought I had loved him. We said the words to each other and it all just felt right. But none of that even compares to how I feel about Harry. 

I haven't known Harry terribly long - only a little longer than seven months. But in that short time, he's given me more than Lucas ever had. Harry's showed me its okay to be vulnerable and to surrender yourself completely to someone. I'm addicted to the trust I feel with him and this overwhelming sensation of pure contentment when I'm with him. That's why it hurt so much when we quarreled and that's why I find myself so teary-eyed over this paper he wrote for me.

I love you, Amelia. I was stupid to think that you would ever use me and the only reason that I didn't respond to you when you questioned me about it was because I was so dumbfounded with your profession.

I was in a trance. My world had just come together only to simultaneously be torn down. I didn't even realize what I had done until well after you left because of the shock I was in.

I don't want this to be the end of us. I need you more than you know. If I could take back that night, I would. Unfortunately, that's not how this works but I do hope you will consider a future with me still in it. I can't do this without you.

I slowly put the papers down on the couch beside me. I can feel Mitch's eyes boring into me, but he doesn't dare say a word. He just watches my reaction to Harry's words.

"Amy?" I hear a voice say.

I glance over to Emma, who stands in the doorway. Her eyes flicker over to Mitch, a look of confusion on her face. Mitch just smiles at her awkwardly. 

"Emma, this is Mitch," I say. Mitch quickly stands and outstretches his hand, to which she shakes. "He's a friend of mine. Mitch, this is my little sister, Emma."

"It's nice to meet you," he says, politely.

"You too," she replies.

My other brothers come barreling into the room, coming to a halt in front of Mitch. The three of them look at him, wide eyed at the stranger.

"James, Charlie, Mikey," I say to them. "This is Mitch. Mitch, these are my little brothers."

The three of them awkwardly wave at Mitch, who returns the gesture. I have no doubt in my mind that Mitch wasn't expecting to meet all these kids today. I could only imagine what he is thinking right now.

"Is this your boyfriend?" Charlie blurts out.

"Wait! I thought Harry was your boyfriend?" James asks, a confused expression on his face.

I haven't told the boys of my relationship status yet, mainly because I barely know what it is. I only told Emma and my parents because they gathered something was wrong when I arrived home unexpectedly. When I asked if I could move back in, that's when everything began to unravel and I let it all out like word vomit.

My dad, naturally, was upset. He still is and he threatens to find Harry to exchange words with him but luckily my mom was able to talk him off the edge. She's more understanding and has been looking at the situation from both sides. She doesn't agree with what Harry did but she also thinks that he will come around. 

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