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Remember this video :) (yes I know technically there were other things said that this specific video doesn't capture BUT just remember this part lol it's for the story)



I stifle a yawn as Emma and I meander through the crowd of primarily girls around us. It's early in the morning - almost too early - and here we are, about to attend a concert. I'm almost not ready to hear loud music this early in the day but I'll always be there for Harry. I wouldn't miss his performance on the Today Show for the world.

He was suprisingly chipper when he woke up. Harry is naturally a morning person, something I have been learning to grow acquainted with, but today he was happier than usual. I found it odd given yesterday's incident at his secret concert in Brooklyn, but I didn't question it. I just assumed he would have woken up in the same disoriented mood he fell asleep in.

Yesterday was really spectacular and overall I had a great time. The secret concert was intimate with only a little less than a hundred people actually in attendance. I'll admit it was a little warm in there, almost to the point where I was breaking a sweat, but I didn't mind. I was just in pure bliss watching Harry up on stage.

He only performed four songs but it was quite obvious he was feeling himself. His energy was almost too much to keep up with on stage and I found myself giggling at his somewhat obnoxious behavior. I thought that the shenanigans would end with his prancing around and dumping water on the lot of us, but he didn't end there. He took it upon himself to dive into the crowd, quite literally giving the girls around me a small heart attack as their hands had to hoist his body up into the air.

My jaw dropped when he did that. He had made subtle remarks to me recently about always wanting to stage dive but I never thought he would actually do it, especially at a concert that was so small. But Harry Styles is quite the unpredictable man, I've learned, so I'm sure something just clicked in his head randomly and he thought 'now is the perfect time'.

He seemed a little shaken up at first but he managed to get through the rest of the show. It was only after the whole ordeal did he start to overthink everything and second guess what he did. He said the stage dive was awful and that he plans to never do it again. I told him lightheartedly that he was being dramatic but he assured me it was nothing like floating, like he previously thought it was. Plus I think he accidentally kicked some girl in the face and he felt absolutely awful about it.

Today, however, he woke up a completely different person. He showered me with small kisses at some ungodly hour to wake me up and then proceeded to cook us both breakfast. I don't know why he was so cuddly or affectionate but I wasn't complaining. It was endearing and made me fall more in love with him than I already am.

I sigh thinking about it. I didn't think it was possible to be this in love but yet again I am proven wrong. Harry has this unbelievable power over me that makes me incredibly vulnerable and I'm not even sure if he knows that. Yes, he knows that I love him but I wonder if he knows just how much.

"So this is the pre-show?" Emma asks as we somehow manage to make our way to the front of the crowd.

"Yeah," I respond over the cheers of the girls around me. It's definitely crowded but I know it will be even more so later before Harry's actual performance for the show. "I think it's to warm up before the real deal. Like a dress rehearsal,"

I'm glad that I was able to convince Mom to let me pick Emma up from the train this morning to come with me to Harry's show. I didn't think she would give in because of how crowded and hectic it would be here but I assured her we would be safe. The two of us were guaranteed special wristbands that allowed us to stand wherever we pleased while also having the luxury of security if we needed. I feel like we have special VIP tickets, which I suppose is somewhat true seeing as I am dating the rockstar who's performing.

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