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Two more weeks.

Only two more weeks until Harry comes home, yet it feels like an eternity. It shouldn't, considering I just spent the past couple months without him, but for some reason the last stretch of his absence is the hardest. Maybe it's the anticipation of seeing him again. I'm ecstatic to be with him after all these months yet I'm also nervous. I'm terrified he's grown sick of me or realizes I'm not the one he wants to be with anymore.

I was on a high after a conversation we had a little while ago about children and marriage. I'll never get tired of hearing him say he wants to marry me and grow old with me. It's definitely a shock though at times and sometimes I find myself wondering what I did to make Harry like me so much. I'm not necessarily extraordinary but I don't think he cares. At least not right now anyways.

Recently, there has been the occasional article about mine and Harry's relationship. I try to ignore them but it's hard to completely turn my head the other way when my face is plastered on magazine covers and circulating online. Some of them aren't bad, but most compare me to other girls Harry has been with - specifically the Victoria's Secret models - and how I'm not like them, not good enough etc. It's quite annoying.

Harry hasn't really noticed but I don't blame him. He's on tour so he hasn't been on his phone too much. I also don't think the magazines are as prominent in other countries. I could be wrong but most of them now are American brands. Maybe I'll ask Anne or Gemma since I speak to them occasionally and ask. They haven't mentioned anything to me otherwise.

"Amelia?" A voice says from the doorway of my office at work, effectively stopping my daydreaming. My eyes flicker up and I am met with the face of Melanie, one of my coworkers. She works in reception and is about my age, give or take. She's nice enough and we get along pretty well. "Mr. Rodgers wants to know if you'd be able to stay an hour or two later today. I believe he has some project he needs help reviewing and is asking anyone in the office if they're available,"

I groan internally. Today is the one day that I actually can't stay late. Immediately after work I have to go to my first appointment with my new therapist. It took a little bit of convincing, but Christian finally managed to persuade me to make an appointment. I was back and forth on if I wanted to actually go or not, but I've been in this weird headspace lately and Christian went on and on about how it's not healthy so I decided to just book a screening and go from there. Part of me wants to skip though because I don't want my boss to think less of me for not being able to stay but I can't reschedule the appointment. I'll never go if I don't keep the one I have now.

"I'm so sorry, but I actually have an appointment right after work. I could come in earlier tomorrow if he wants? Or stay late. I just can't do today," I regrettably say.

Melanie smiles and waves me off.

"Don't worry about it," she says. "I'll let him know but don't stress. He knows people have lives outside of work,"

I weakly return the smile, her words comforting me a little bit.

"Thanks," I mumble. "I'm just trying to make a good impression, I guess. I really need a publisher in the future,"

"Trust me, he likes you. I've overheard him say you do great work. A little birdie even told me that a promotion might not be too far in the future..."

My eyes widen. A promotion? I've only been working here for a couple of months so I definitely wasn't expecting to get promoted any time soon. I try my hardest at work but I never considered myself exceptional, or incredible.

"Really?" I ask, causing Melanie to nod.

"That's the word on the street. Granted, I don't think it's anything major but I think he's going to promote you to doing a little more than just scut," she tells me.

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