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Bro I read a fanfic earlier that unsettled me so much because it ended on a cliffhanger and the author won't do a sequel lol I'M SO MAD. And it's not like things ended mildly decent for me to get over it like jeez. I promise you all will get an ending to my story lol I won't leave you hanging



I pick at my cuticles as the plane begins our descent. I'm beyond nervous to go home and it all mainly has to do with Robin. Of course I knew he's been sick for a while but for the longest time I refused to accept it. Now I have an unsettling feeling in the pit of my stomach that this trip home is an important one. 

I wish Amelia was awake so she could comfort me. Selfishly, I want her undivided attention right now but instead her head rests against my shoulder as she peacefully sleeps. I know it's been a long day from waking up early for the Today Show to then almost immediately going to JFK for our flight to London. I'm fairly used to the inconsistency in my schedule but it's all new to Amelia. I'm surprised she came to begin with but then again I did practically plead with her because I need her here. 

I don't know if she knows just how much I rely on her emotionally. I love her to pieces but she's the only one that keeps me sane. My family of course helps but Amelia gets me in a way that no one else does. I can't quite explain it but it's like we're connected in some weird way. I had always lightly joked that Amelia was my other half but now I'm sure she is. 

It's funny to think how far we've come. I've been in my fair share of relationships before but no one has ever compared to the girl I accidentally bumped into. I don't care if she's not a model or not a celebrity - she's Amelia and that's perfect to me. 

I lean my head against hers and place a hand on her thigh. She stirs slightly and nuzzles her head even more into the crook of my neck, causing me to get that familiar feeling of longing in my heart. Even when she's sleeping she manages to embrace my soul and I'll never understand it. 

I spend the next thirty minutes as the plane lands overthinking everything. I find my breathing becoming more labored as a panic attack creeps up on me. I wish that I had bought a private suite for Amelia and I this time around but instead I went with regular first class tickets. I thought I would be okay on the plane ride over but I feel myself losing my grip on reality. 

Amelia slowly begins to wake up as we approach the ground. I'm surprised she slept through most of the descent but I'm assuming she was more tired than she let on. Luckily it's late so we can go straight home and continue our slumber, although I doubt that I will be able to shut my eyes. I can't without fears of what could happen coursing through my vision. 

"Harry?" Amelia's soft voice asks me as she lifts her head off my shoulder. 

I turn to look at her and smile at the sleepy expression she adorns. Her eyes are barely open and her lips are slightly swollen. 

"Yes, love bug?" I respond. 

"Are we landing?" 

She jolts in her seat as the plane coincidentally touches down. She must have been really out of it to not notice until now. 

"Yes," I laugh, causing a small sigh to escape her lips. I tilt my head and kiss the top of hers. "Did you sleep well?"

Amelia hums. 

"Kind of. I just want to eat and crawl into bed though," she chuckles. 

"Me too, babe. Do you want to pick up something quick to eat? Or I can cook if you want but I figured take out was easier," 

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