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Here's a short filler



It's somewhere in the middle of the night when I hear the elevator doors open. I pause a moment, thinking maybe I just imagined it, but then I hear footsteps and slight shuffling around coming from the kitchen.

I immediately close all tabs on my computer and scurry out of my office. My heart beats uncontrollably as I walk closer to the sounds, and then it nearly stops beating all together when I see Harry. He looks cozy in a sweatshirt and sweatpants, and these dingy looking shoes that he refuses to throw away. His hair is also longer than the last time I saw him, and I absolutely adore it. It's at the perfect length for bouncy ringlets to appear and I want nothing more than to just run my hands through it.

Harry's eyes snap over to mine. He looks unbelievably tired, with dark bags under his eyes, but he still manages to grin at my presence.

I can't help but run over to him. He eagerly catches me mid air when I jump, and I wind both my arms and legs around his body while I nuzzle my face in his neck.

"I'm sorry if I woke you," Harry says, his voice slightly hoarse. He places me down on the kitchen counter but I keep my limbs attached to him so I can secure him in place. It's as if he'll disappear again if I loosen my grip.

"You didn't," I tell him, my voice slightly muffled. "I was up anyways,"

That's partially a lie. I was up but only because I was waiting for Harry to come home. I couldn't go to sleep knowing he was coming home tonight. Even though physically I was - and am - tired, my brain wouldn't slow down enough for me to actually fall asleep.

I pull my head away from Harry and move my hands so I can cup his cheeks. He smiles lovingly at me and I can't help but return it. I haven't seen him in months so I'm completely overwhelmed with fondness right now.

Slowly, I lean in and press my lips to his, sighing slightly from relief. Harry's hands move from my waist to my face and he pulls me closer to him, effectively deepening our kiss.

I feel him start to grow feverish. His tongue grazes mine briefly before he fully plummets it into my mouth, wrestling with my own. I can't help but let out a small whimper, but our heated moment is short lived because he eventually pulls away and rests his head on my shoulder. Initially I frown but it disappears as soon as Harry speaks.

"I want to fuck you so badly but I'm so tired," he mumbles, his lips tickling the bare skin in the crook of my neck.

I giggle and lean my cheek against Harry's head while running a hand up and down his arm.

"I missed you, too," I laugh.

He pecks my shoulder before straightening back up to face me.

"I missed you so much, love. Not just physically, but emotionally, too. I can't stand being away from you, my little quidditch player," he softly tells me. My lips tug upwards when Harry calls me his 'quidditch player'. I'm almost positive he's indirectly calling me a 'keeper'. It wouldn't be the first time he's told me that cheesy line.

I reach up and stroke his cheek with the back of my finger. Then I lean in and quickly place a small kiss on his lips, although it's not enough to keep me satisfied. I'm desperate for him right now like he is for me but I'm also a little worn out from how late it is.

"I love you," I tell him.

"I love you too, love bug. And at least now you get to come with me for the remainder of my tour and then I'm all yours, baby. I'll be home indefinitely afterwards," Harry says.

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