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It's been about three weeks since Robin passed away.

It happened fairly quickly, only about a week after my family first met him. He was relatively fine the first couple days, and we spent nearly all that time with him, but things slowly declined afterwards. It was heartbreaking and I felt like jumping out of my skin knowing there was nothing I could do. I couldn't imagine being in his or his family's shoes.

I let Harry spend most of his time with Robin and his family. I visited a few times, but I felt like an intruder towards the end. It didn't feel right for me to be there every second so I wound up spending majority of my time just comforting Harry in any way that I could, whether it be just sending him a random 'I love you' text or cuddling with him when he came home.

It's been difficult on him since Robin passed. He was in a state of shock when it initially happened and I'm still not entirely convinced that he's been processing it. He's been quiet and silently needy for physical affection, but he hasn't outwardly talked to me about anything. I don't want to pressure him to but I just wish I knew what he was thinking.

It is also especially hard on him because of everything he needs to do for his album and tour. He rearranged some of his schedule so he could spend time with his family for the funeral, but Jeff told him there were just certain events they couldn't push back. I don't understand why some of the meetings or interviews couldn't be cancelled or held virtually, but then again I have no idea how the music business works. Harry didn't say too much about it so I assume there was literally nothing we could do.

After Harry and I came home after being in London, we almost immediately flew to California. He asked me to accompany him while he takes care of some work related things and I wasn't about to say no. I would never leave him in such a vulnerable state alone. I know that he needs me right now, whether he admits it or not.

Currently the two of us lay in bed, some random movie playing on the television in front of us. Harry's arms are wound around my waist while his head rests on my breast. One of my hands moves mindlessly through his hair, gently pulling through his curls.

"Amelia?" Harry softly says. I hum in response. "Do you want to go on a date with me?"

I smile and blush at his innocent question.

"Well considering we're already dating..." I reply causing Harry to chuckle for the first time in days.

He turns over to he is laying on his side now and not on top of me.

"I mean do you want to go on a date with me tonight? We haven't gone out in a while and I'd like to maybe dress up and take you out to a restaurant or something," he says.

I bite my lip at the twinge of nervousness in his tone. He's right. We haven't been out in a little while, but I didn't really expect us to, especially with everything going on. I'm perfectly happy just staying inside and watching cheesy movies with him while we cuddle, but it warms my heart to know he wants to take me out somewhere.

"I'd love that," I tell him honestly. A look of relieve crosses his features. "I'm glad I opted to pack a couple decent looking outfits,"

Harry laughs and then puckers his lips, causing me to playfully roll my eyes. I lean over and kiss him gently, but Harry seems to have other plans. I squeal as his arms tighten around my waist and hoist me over so now I'm on top of him. He grins and kisses me again, pulling me as close as possible to his body.

"I need to get ready if we're going out," I mumble against him lips, causing him to groan.

"Mmm but we could be doing other things," he whispers, bringing his lips up to meet mine again.

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