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Hello, so I'll be very transparent right now. It's like 5:30 am by me and I am filled with vodka (don't worry - I am legally allowed to drink) so if this chapter contains typos or anything that doesn't make sense, that is why. I was just too excited to not update

hugs and kisses



"So you do this with your siblings?" I ask Amelia as we hang bedsheets and blankets from various command hooks around her room. 

"I do, yeah. I didn't argue with them as much as they did with each other but anytime either or all of us got into a fight, we'd build a fort and somehow it would solve all of our problems," she tells me, a faint smile on her face. She finishes tying a blanket around a command hook with a hair tie and turns to look at me. "By working together to build the fort it would help smooth out whatever was going on. Then we'd get to hang out inside and watch movies or tell ghost stories," 

My heart warms listening to Amelia talk about her little siblings. She doesn't talk about them a lot, but I know that they are all super close. I can definitely tell when I am around them. It's endearing, to say the least. 

"That's cute," I comment. 

Amelia grins, causing my stomach to flip. I'll never get tired of the feeling she gives me. It's a high. 

I was a little bit nervous about coming all the way out for her graduation. I didn't think that she would even want me to come after everything that went on but Mitch gave me the okay. He didn't tell me specifically what was going on in her head but he seemed pretty positive that it was still okay I came. 

With his help I managed to get in contact with Amelia's parents. It wasn't terribly hard to do since Amelia was out for senior week after Mitch left. I had a very lovely conversation with Amelia's mum and she was really nice about everything going on, which I am extremely grateful for. She invited me to come and even said I could ride with them to the stadium. 

Amelia's dad was a little harder to win over. I didn't talk to him over the phone like I did with Amelia's mum but we had a heart-to-heart when I came in person the morning of Amelia's graduation. He expressed his concern and I assured him I would never hurt his daughter again. He was understanding and had some crude remarks to make about Shannon, but I just was happy that he trusted me to date his daughter again. 

The past week has been a blur. I was in such a fog before I finally got my act together and I'm glad I went with the paper option of apologizing to Amelia. I think she liked it, but even more so I was glad that Mitch came down. I think it was refreshing for Amelia. Plus Mitch said he had a good time. He got along well with her family and he genuinely likes Amelia. 

I bite my lip as I watch Amelia take all of the pillows off of her bed and put them under the hanging blankets. Her still slightly curled hair falls into her face and all of her makeup is off, revealing her natural beauty. I could stare at her for hours and never get tired. I can't believe she wasn't dating anyone when we met but I'm not complaining.

"Harry?" Amelia asks. 

I blink a couple of times and see her looking at me with the slightest blush on her cheeks. 


"I asked if you could put the blanket you're holding into our fort," she laughs. 

"Oh - oh! Yes, sorry. I zoned out," I mutter, embarrassed. 

I squat down in front of the fort and pull back one of the bedsheets, throwing my blanket inside. It's cozy with all of Amelia's pillows and blankets sprawled out on the floor. I think I built a fort once or twice with Gemma when we were kids but it wasn't nearly as extravagant as this. We only used couch cushions and an occasional chair or two. 

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