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Hello! Sorry for keeping people waiting. I know I keep saying that in like every chapter but currently I'm in grad school and taking a class I literally cannot afford to fail (statistics RIP) so just bear with me lol I promise it won't take me months to update but it might be more than a couple days.

This is a major filler chapter btw but I needed it to transition! Just as a heads up in case it's a little boring lol 



It's later in the day and Harry's first concert is set to start in a little less than an hour. Harry had some irrational fear that no one would show up but so far the arena is almost full with excitable fans eagerly waiting for him to take the stage. I knew there was nothing to worry about. I wish Harry could see it from my perspective. 

Currently I find myself knocking on the door of his dressing room backstage. I haven't seen him since he left Christian and I alone a couple of hours ago. I wasn't planning to stop by his room but I figured he could use a little pick me up. He was nervously texting me earlier so I thought it might be best to try and calm him down in person rather than over the phone.

The door swings open and reveals a dapper looking Harry. He's clad in an off white floral suit and his hair is perfectly gelled and styled. He looks charming, especially when a smile graces his face upon seeing me. 

"Hey," he says, immediately engulfing me into his arms. 

"Hey," I respond. 

I giggle as he carries me into his room completely and shuts the door behind us. It vaguely reminds me of when I visited him when he was on set of Saturday Night Live. 

Harry places me down on the floor and eagerly attaches his lips to mine. I rest my hands on his waist while his cup my cheeks, pulling me closer to him like I'm his life support. I actually find myself liking the urgency behind his kiss but at the same time I know it's because of the anxiety he has about performing tonight. 

"I wasn't expecting you to come visit before the show," Harry mumbles against my lips before kissing them again.

"I wanted to wish you luck in person," I tell him. "Christian and I got situated in our seats but he made some acquaintances so I thought now would be a good time to sneak away and see you," 

Harry smiles at me, a pinkness spreading to his cheeks. 

"You're amazing," he says. "And I'm glad you're here because I was beginning to have a bit of a panic attack," 

I give his waist a squeeze. 

"You're going to be amazing, Harry. I promise. And by the way the arena is practically full already so you don't need to worry about singing to an empty crowd," I chuckle. 

"That makes me feel a little better. I guess I'm just worried I won't live up to their expectations and they'll realize that I'm not meant to be a solo artist," Harry admits. 

I frown. Harry's always so full of confidence but it's at times like this when I realize he actually does suffer from anxiety. He's always fine once he actually makes it onto the stage but the lead up causes him to panic and think the worst thoughts. 

"You're going to be spectacular no matter what you do. You've performed before on live television and during your secret concerts. I know this is different but performing isn't a stranger to you. You also put out an amazing album that so many people love. Now they just want to hear you sing it. I know you're going to do great. Just...be yourself and everything will fall into place," I tell him. 

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