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This chapter is a little shorter than I wanted ugh but I needed a filler before we get to the good stuff



It's a quarter past four in the morning when my phone rings. I groan dramatically and contemplate letting it go to voicemail but my interest gets the best of me. I reluctantly reach over to my nightstand and see it's Mitch calling me.

"What the fuck, mate?" I answer the phone, causing Mitch to chuckle.

"Someone's cranky," He teases.

I roll my eyes so hard I nearly give myself a headache.

"You woke me up. Do you know how early it is here?" I retort.

"Listen man, I'm doing you the favor. Don't you want to hear how today went?"

I immediately bolt up and take a hand through my hair, pulling my curls out of my face. I'm a bloody idiot. How could I forget? I texted Mitch like a mad man earlier but he didn't respond so I figured he was talking to Amelia. I only fell asleep about two hours ago when my body finally collapsed from exhaustion.

"How was Amelia? How does she look? God, amazing I bet. Did she read my paper? Did she like it? Mitch, I swear to God if y-"

"Harry," Mitch cuts me off, laughing. "Calm down,"

My heart rate is through the roof right now. I can't calm down knowing he talked to Amelia about me. I know I'm being childish but I simply cannot help it.

"I talked to Amelia, yes. She read your paper. Took a long time to get through it and she took a long time to think afterwards about it," Mitch tells me. "I don't want to go into details about it but...I have a good feeling,"

My breath hitches in my throat as my world temporarily halts. He has a good feeling. That means something transpired between them for him to feel that way.

"Yeah?" I nervously ask.

"Yeah. Again I won't say much because it's not my place but we're talking more about it tomorrow. I told her to take tonight to just think,"

"You're seeing her again?"

"I - uh - well I'm actually staying at her house," he awkwardly tells me. "I know you paid for a room, and I'm sorry about not using it tonight, but it just worked out to stay over. They had a guest room, and it's actually really nice. The mattress is soft as hell and the sheets smell divine like fresh linens,"

I take a second to gather my thoughts. Mitch is staying at Amelia's house and he is seeing her tomorrow...to talk about me.

"Don't worry about the room," I tell Mitch. I couldn't care less about that, honestly. The money is nothing to me. "I don't care about that. How - uh- how is it there?"

I miss Amelia so much it physically pains me, but I also miss her family. Her parents are wonderful and I absolutely adore her little siblings. I think we get on well and I really pictured us all hanging out more in the future.

"It's good! Amelia's siblings are cute. She helped them with their homework earlier until her parents came home. They're super nice too. Didn't even question why I needed to stay the night but they said I could stay as long as I wanted," he tells me.

I bite my lip, picturing Amelia tutoring her siblings. The thought makes me smile and it also makes me briefly think about her tutoring her own children...or our children.

But I refuse to dwell on that. That's so far into a future I don't even know if I have with her yet. I'd be lying though if I said the thought hasn't crossed my mind. Eventually I'd like to settle down and quite honestly I don't picture a future with anyone other than Amelia. I don't want to picture a future with anyone else.

"Harry?" Mitch asks, knocking me out of my trance.

"Uh, sorry. Got caught in my thoughts," I mutter. "Yeah, her whole family is really amazing,"

Mitch pauses before continuing.

"They talked about you," He whispers to me, causing my palms to sweat a little.

"Oh," I say.

I know they probably hate me because of what I did. I would hate me too. I'm sure her parents have lost all trust in me and her siblings probably don't want to see me again for causing their big sister grief. I don't even blame them.

"Amelia's little brothers are dying to play war with you with their nerf guns. They kept saying how they're going to beat you," Mitch tells me.

I perk up a little at the good news. I was expecting Mitch to go on and tell me about how much her family despises me but this is positive.

"Yeah?" I ask.

"Yeah. The boys spoke highly of you. Wouldn't shut up when they found out I know you," he chuckles. "Emma is sweet too. She also had nice things to say. She's been a fan of yours for a while and was ecstatic when she found out you and Amelia met,"

My heart swells and a goofy grin spreads on my face.

"She's a sweetheart," I comment.

"Amelia's parents are also very fond of you. I - uh - her dad might be a little upset with everything going on but that's to be expected. I think if it works out between you and Amelia you should talk to her parents. Calm things down a little, yeah? I don't think they hate you or anything but...they just don't want to see Amelia getting hurt, you know? They really like you in general so it wouldn't be hard to win them over again," Mitch continues.

I nod, even though he can't see me. I know I should talk to Amelia's parents. I was planning on it anyways if it works out between us. It is extremely important to me that they know it was never my intention to hurt Amelia the way that I did and I want them to know it won't ever happen again.

"I'm dreading that conversation," I admit. "But yeah, I know I need to do it,"

"Look, man, it'll work out. Amelia's digesting tonight and then we'll talk it out tomorrow. I won't sway her opinion or anything but I'm sending good thoughts your way,"

I smile.

"Thanks, Mitch. I really appreciate everything you've done for me," I say.

"It's no problem. Really, I don't mind," he says.

I've said it once and I will say it again - I don't know what I did to deserve Mitch in my life.

The two of us converse for a little while longer before we exchange goodbyes and hang up. I lay back down in my bed, feeling flustered from our conversation. I can't take being away from Amelia and I can't take not knowing what is going on over there. I'm grateful Mitch is helping me out, but I'm nosey and want to know everything.

My mind is racing so fast I don't think I'm going to be able to sleep the rest of the night. I'm desperate to ditch work and fly across seas to see her and work things out. Now that she has my letter, or rather paper, I feel unnecessarily anxious about it. I've made myself extremely vulnerable and I just wish I had a little bit of insight into how Amelia feels about it. I know Mitch said he has a good feeling about it, but that doesn't necessary mean he's right. What if Amelia was just being polite? What if she really didn't like my letter? What if she hates me more than she already did?

I exhale dramatically. I'm being ridiculous and I'm working myself up for no reason. The truth is I can't do anything about this right now. It's just after 4 am here and it's surely getting late in New York. At this moment in time all I can do is trust Mitch and just hope and pray that Amelia accepts me back.

I don't know what I would do if she doesn't want to be with me.


I'M SORRY THIS CHAPTER IS AWFUL lol I'm just getting antsy to write the future chapters...

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