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Bro I saw a TikTok on this and it's basically where you turn your fan fictions into printed books and I low-key (high-key) want to do this (just for myself - not for sale or anything) lol 



"You've got a really nice place," Justin says as he, Christian, and I exit the elevator into mine and Harry's apartment. 

Originally, I had just invited Christian over since I hadn't seen him in what feels like forever. Both of our schedules are extremely busy, and on top of that they also tend to clash. As soon as we both found out we had corresponding free time, we decided to make a whole weekend out of it to make up for lost time. 

Subsequently, when Christian and I were returning back to my apartment after going out for a bite to eat for lunch, we ran into Justin in the lobby. I was expecting our conversation to be brief like it had been in the past, but he claimed that him and his girlfriend got a late house warming gift for Harry and I. I don't know why they felt the need to get us anything to begin with, especially since I've never met his girlfriend, but I thought it was a sweet gesture so I invited him up.

"Thank you," I respond. 

I place the housewarming gift - a fake succulent plant - on the island counter in the kitchen. Originally I was just going to leave it there until I found a proper place for it but I find myself liking it's location. It adds a little bit of greenery to the kitchen, which I rather like. Maybe I'll move it later but for now I'll keep it there. 

"The things I would do to live in a place like this," Christian mutters as he walks over to the large window overlooking the city. 

I can't help but smile. He's been in awe since he first came over yesterday. I can't say I blame him. I live here and I'm still amazed by it. Everything about it is absolutely perfect and even mores because it's shared between Harry and I. It's our own little world away from the world. 

"You never get used to the view," I tell him. "At least I haven't yet," 

"My view is similar and I second that you never really get used to it, especially at night. Something about all the lights twinkling is just really special," Justin adds. 

Christian sighs dramatically and turns around to face us with both of his hands on his hips. 

"I need to get rich," he says, causing me to roll my eyes. "Or marry someone who's rich. Or maybe I'll get one of those sugar daddies, you know? I bet there are loads of them in the city,"

"Oh please," I playfully respond. "You don't want one of those men. Most of them are scum - "

"Operative word there being 'most'. I'm sure I could secure a good one. There's gotta be an old man out there looking for a sugar baby to spoil. I could spice up his life while he pays for mine. Or wait, here me out....are any of the other One Direction boys gay and single? Because - "

"No," I cut Christian off. This conversation is ridiculous and the worst part is that I know he's being serious, at least about the sugar daddy part. "No way in hell am I going to try to figure that information out for you. And besides, they're definitely not looking for a 'sugar baby'. They're not that type of men..."

Although I know he knows that I do genuinely care about and love Harry, a brief moment of worry crosses my mind. I don't want other people to think that I just want to be with Harry for his money. Yes, his riches definitely do have perks but honestly, I wouldn't care if Harry had only one dollar to his name. I would still love him. Not that I feel the need to necessarily prove anything, but I hope that his fans are accepting of me and know I'm not just using him. Most of the fans I've met have been genuinely sweet towards me but there's always the rare 1% that will never be happy.  

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