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Double update! I know I said it might take me a while to update but I was in a writing mood today for this book specifically. So enjoy :)

And thank you for the sweet comments in the last chapter about my rabbit <3 he was the goodest good boy and loved the song Sweet Creature 



I'm in a piss mood by the time I actually arrive at the after party. I was only suppose to be doing interviews but then all these photographers suddenly wanted my picture and I was caught up with that. And on top of that, I couldn't shake some of the Victoria's Secret models off of my arm. All I wanted to do was leave the venue so I could get this after party over with but the girls demanded my undivided attention as I tried to make an exit. 

I'm exhausted as I walk into the club but I plaster a fake smile on my face as I greet various fans who managed to snag a ticket to the after party. I always love meeting them and I'm happy to converse or take a picture or two, but right now I just want a tequila on ice and my girlfriend by my side. 

After making all the small talk I can muster, I feel relived when I see Mitch and Sarah standing by the bar. I briskly walk over to them, both of them giving me odd looks as I finally approach them. 

"I'm sorry I'm late," I say, sighing a bit. "I had an unnecessary amount of pictures taken of myself and then interviews...and don't even get me started on all the models trying to swoon me. I'm sorry if that sounds like a dick thing to say but it was just too much," I shake my head and chuckle to myself. 

"Amelia left," Mitch tells me abruptly. 

The smile fades from my face and my heart starts thumping erratically in my chest. 

"What?" I ask. 

"You've been gone for four hours, Harry. She left about an hour ago," Sarah chimes in. 

Four hours? I knew I took a little longer than expected but I didn't realize it had been that long. 

"Holy shit," I mutter. I bite my lip, feeling a panic take over. She probably hates me and thinks I stood her up. "Did she say where she was going? Did she seem okay or upset or - "

"She went back to the hotel," Mitch cuts me off. He sighs and gives me a tired look. "She texted me when she got there. She said she was just tired and wanted to go back but...I don't know, man. You need to check in on her. There's some stuff going on that you're oblivious to," 

I furrow my eyebrows. How come she texted Mitch and not me? And what on Earth is he talking about? I know Amelia better than anyone. I can't think of for the life of me what I would have missed. 

"Stuff? What kind of stuff?" I lamely ask. 

Mitch hesitates before responding, like he's having some sort of internal debate with himself on telling me what he means. 

"I think she's been stressed out lately by all the attention you and her are getting and to be honest, you don't seem to be doing a good job at noticing or comforting her. I mean I don't know what's going on in your personal life, but how come I had to be the one to correct that guy when he called Amelia just your friend? That's your job. I know I joked about this being a team effort relationship but at the end of the day, I'm not her boyfriend," Mitch tells me, seriously. 

I'm taken back by his words. Sometimes I can sense when Amelia is off but I haven't noticed anything recently. Am I really as oblivious as he's making me out to be? Does she think that I'm neglecting her?

"I didn't mean to," I blurt out, panic starting to take over. "With Sam. He was the guy from earlier. I didn't mean to not correct him,"

"I didn't think you did it on purpose but it's little things like that. I mean did you even notice that Crystal came over and talked to Amelia the other day?"

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