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I never thought I'd be browsing through different pregnancy tests at my local drugstore, at least not this early in my life, yet here I am, my eyes wandering the different shelves as I debate which test to buy.

"First Response?" Christian asks, holding up a pink box for me to see.

I shrug. For the last half an hour I've been so overwhelmed I can barely function. I can't think, speak, or act. Is that normal? I mean I'm sure anyone would be a little off if their potential pregnancy was looming in the air.

"I don't know," I reply. "What about Clearblue? I heard they're accurate,"

"I heard that too...there's also AccuClear and the regular store brand..."

"Fuck this," I mutter. I pick through the shelves and grab a box of each brand, throwing them into the basket that Christian holds. "We'll get one of each, just to be sure,"

Christian offers to pay for the tests since I was getting a bit anxious about buying them myself. I don't know why. I shouldn't care what others think but I'm just anxious in general so every little thing is putting me on edge.

I stand outside while I wait for Christian, hoping that the fresh air will help calm my nerves. It does a little, but it doesn't help my mind from spiraling out of control. What if I really am pregnant? What will Harry think? I'm sure he'd be thrilled but are we even ready to be parents? The thought scares me. I'm barely out of college and I don't even have my life together. I'm not like Harry who seems to have everything planned out. I'm just taking it day by day but a baby sidetracks all of that.

I don't even know how I would have even gotten pregnant either. Harry and I are pretty cautious. He's seldom made comments about the possibility of me going on birth control but he never complains about using condoms. We always use them.

But then it dawns on me. There were two times we had sex before he left for his tour that I can't remember if we actually used them or not. One time was when he came home, all disheveled and needy. His hands were all over me from the minute he stepped through the elevator doors and he wound up fucking me in the kitchen. And then the other time was in the shower. He had convinced me to join him and I suppose it excited him a little.

My chest constricts as Christian finally comes out of the drugstore. He smiles at me and reassures me that everything will be okay before we begin our short walk back to the apartment complex.

Once back home, I place the plastic bag from the store on the kitchen counter, and pull out all of the tests. Should I do them all at once? Or do one at a time?

"Are you okay, Amelia?" Christian softly asks me.

I sigh, heavily.

"I think so. I'm just...nervous, I guess," I respond, honestly.

Christian come sup to my side and places a hand on my upper back.

"It'll be okay. Whatever happens, I'll be there with you. Let's just take it one step at a time. We can't panic until we find out what the results are," he says.

I smile weakly at him and nod. He's right. I shouldn't worry too much until I find out if I actually am pregnant.

I decide to just do all the tests, just to be sure in case it comes back positive. Better to be safe than sorry. Plus I feel a little full in the bladder department so I know it won't be an issue to relieve myself onto each stick.

Christian follows me as I walk into the master suite ensuite, but he respectively waits outside the bathroom door while I do my business. All of the tests have basically the same instructions - pee on the stick for a couple seconds and then wait an allotted amount of time for the results to appear. The shortest amount of time I need to wait is 45 seconds but the longest is three minutes. I'll probably just wait the full three minutes to be sure.

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