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Y'all missed my mental breakdown the other day when Harry rescheduled his tour lmao I knew it was happening but 2020 REALLY be testing me 



It took hours but Harry and I, for the most part, are completely moved in. I thought it would be boring as we unpacked but it was anything but. We wound up setting up a speaker and Harry connected his phone to it so we could listen to music the entire time. I was half expecting him to play his own album but it was just a mixture of songs that he said he's been listening to recently, primarily from the 70's. 

I think my favorite part was setting up my office. I was able to fill up almost all of the bookshelves, leaving minimal space for other books I might choose to purchase in the future. I also was overly ecstatic about setting up my writing station. The desk in the room is the perfect size for me and it is adorned with all of my writing supplies plus a picture of Harry and I. There are a couple of them scattered around the house but I chose a picture that my mom took of us when Harry came over to my house when we were making gingerbread houses. I don't know why I love it so much but it warms my heart. 

Besides my office, I really loved setting up mine and Harry's bedroom. It's the little things that I especially adore, such as our clothes hanging next to each other in the closet and the picture of us from my graduation that Harry keeps on his nightstand. Everything about us combining our worlds to live in one home together resonates well with me. 

I'm currently strolling through the apartment while Harry showers. I think he wanted me to join him from his not-so-subtle hints but I needed a moment to myself so I reluctantly declined. Not that I wouldn't love to share those little intimate moments with Harry but I just needed a moment to appreciate us starting a new chapter in our lives together. I wanted to just walk around and admire the place by myself for a couple of minutes. 

It's quite beautiful with the architecture of the place mixed with the furniture Harry and I picked out. I was a little skeptical about ordering everything mostly online but it all came together nicely. I'm excited to break it in. 

I smile to myself as I stop in front of the large window in our living room that looks over New York City. The sun has now set and the lights from all the buildings and skyscrapers look like something out of a photograph or a movie. I cannot believe that I get to live here and with the man I love. 

Speaking of which, I jump a bit when two arms wrap themselves around my waist. I was so lost in the view for a moment that I didn't even hear Harry exit the shower and come to join me. 

"It's pretty," Harry whispers as he rests his chin on my shoulder. 

I hum in response and lean my cheek against his, his wet hair dripping onto my own. 

"I can't believe we get to live here," I tell him. 

It hasn't sunk in yet no matter how many times I comment on it. I just can't seem to grasp that this is my reality. I'm not entirely sure when it will seem real but I feel as if right now I am living on a cloud in some fantasy. 

Harry tilts his head and kisses my cheek, leaving a tingling feeling from where he touched my skin. 

"I love you," he tells me. 

I grin and peel my eyes away from the view so I can spin around in Harry's arms. I wrap my arms around his neck while he tightens the hold on my waist. Leaning forward, I eagerly press my lips to Harry's in a feverish kiss. 

"I love you, too," I mumble against his lips. 

Harry kisses me one more time before letting his hands wander to my thighs. I squeal slightly as he picks me up and I quickly wrap my legs around his waist for a better grip. 

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