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Hi everyone. I posted about it on my message board but if you don't follow me, my bunny passed away a couple days ago. I've been a little out of it so bear with me if my updates are slower (I know I say that a lot but there's always something going on tbh). 

Anyways, here's an update



Seeing Harry perform on stage will always be one of my favorite things to watch. Although tonight is technically about the models, somehow Harry manages to radiate so much confidence and energy that it almost seems to turn into his show. The other performers are good, but Harry just has something about him that's absolutely captivating. I couldn't keep my eyes off of him and the grin off my face the entirety of both of his performances. 

I haven't gotten to see much of him tonight. In between performances he was either rushed to his dressing room to get ready or he was talking with various interviewers. I didn't mind too much because I know he's busy with his job. Plus I hung out with Mitch a lot, as well as Sarah and the rest of Harry's band, when they weren't on stage. 

As the show wraps up, all the performers are called on stage along with the models. I watch the slew of them parade on stage in their expensive sets of lingerie. I must admit though that some of the pieces are actually quite beautiful. Reluctantly, I can see an art to it and understand why there's an entire fashion show dedicated to underwear. 

I bite the inside of my cheek and turn to face the flatscreen television so I can get a clear view of what's happening on stage. The models are all lined up, some waving to the audience and others dancing out of joy. Harry and the other performers stand somewhere in the middle, applauding the girls around them. 

The girls are absolutely stunning, I must admit. They're tall with fit bodies and absolutely no imperfections. It's intimidating to see them all on stage at the same time, and especially when my boyfriend is standing right among them. He definitely looks like he fits in, with all of his perfection. Plus he looks so natural and comfortable up on stage. 

I find myself entering the same daze I've been in and out of all night. It's the same thing I've been struggling with for a while now - concern over if Harry will eventually grow sick of me for not being as perfect of those girls he's currently with. I don't necessarily hate the way I look or anything, but I've been doubtful of just everything lately I guess. I never used to be self conscious like this but Harry's fame has just been taking a toll. The models that surround him; the constant attention he gets from both girls and the media; the comments that are made about me online - it's all becoming increasingly too much. 

I manage to snap back into reality just as everyone is coming off the stage. I eagerly turn around and Harry's band and I wait patiently for his arrival. Eventually we spot him, looking handsome as ever, walking towards us with an excited gleam in his eye. 

While the band claps for Harry, he comes straight into my arms. I pull him close to me and press a kiss to his temple. I can feel some of the models eyes on us, but I don't pay them any heed since Harry is the only thing on my mind right now. 

"You were absolutely incredible," I tell him when we pull away. 

"You think so?" He shyly asks, causing me to nod. 

"Of course. Honestly, it was like going to one of your concerts. I forgot I was at a fashion show while you were on stage," 

Harry gives me a cheeky grin and then presses a quick peck to my forehead. 

"Styles!" A man exclaims, coming over to us. He looks to be in his thirties, maybe. He's got thick, black hair, stubble on his chin, and designer glasses perched on his nose. "Can I snag you real quick? A couple interviewers have been asking," 

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