65 - War

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They try to change you
Crush and break you
Try to tell you what to do
They'd like to have control of you
Back against the wall
In danger of losing it all
Search deep inside
Remember who you are

It's times like these
When lines are drawn
Which side of the fence
Are you standing on?
There will come a day
Not so far away
When the hunter
Becomes the prey

It's a hellish inferno
This is war eternal. - War Eternal - Arch Enemy

Davyna's POV

My heart beats steadily as I look out into the back forested area of the Hollow. Snow has lightly blanketed the area, making it seem peaceful and quiet. Although it won't be for long.

Everyone who is fighting are still gathering around, the tension in the air thick and suffocating. Not everyone is going to come out of this alive. As much as I hate to say it, it's the truth. With the reported number in Elijah's army, plus the fact that he has made them into these twisted, mutated beings means this isn't a fair fight to begin with. But that is what Elijah wanted. That is why he stayed so hidden and kept his plans guarded until the very last moment.

He's not going to catch us completely off guard, but it's not going to be an easy battle.

I look around me and see Marcella and Sage talking to each other, both decked out in their gear and I continue to glance around, sighing.

I feel hands on my shoulders and I look to my left and right and meet my mates adoring gazes and place my hands over theirs and squeeze reassuringly.

Let's go Elijah.

- - -

Elijah's POV

It is time. We are making good ground and should reach the compound shortly. I know by now they've had time to prepare but I'm not completely worried. My creations give me the upper hand. They won't be so easy to take down.

One of my scouts comes to walk at my side.

"It seems everyone fighting with the Hollow is awaiting our arrival. Davyna was spotted as well, front and center."

I smirk. "Good."

She's finally within my grasp.

- - -

Davyna's POV

I sense them before I see them. The amount of power that is radiating out in the direction of the tree line is staggering. I feel others around me tense and some hisses and snarls leave their lips. It's only a matter of time before they breach the trees.

Soon enough, Elijah's army becomes visible. They don't step further than the tree line, their eyes scanning over our forces on our side. The tension becomes thicker, the silence becomes deafening as we wait in anticipation for the first move.

"I told you I would see you again, special one." I hear in that chilling voice that has haunted me for so long. I inhale and exhale slowly, disgusted by his stupid pet name for me. My eyes dart up as Elijah steps out from behind his wall of warriors, and my whole body tenses. The familiar clothes, eyes, face, and that smirk. Memories flash back of Klaire, and I center myself, pulling that anger to fuel me.

I don't reply to his statement, instead I glare him down as I feel my eyes bleed red.

Elijah raises his voice slightly, enough for everyone's acute hearing to pick up.

"Foolish beings! You stand behind a council that wants you to adhere to laws that make you equals with humans! We are the superiors, and I will show you that today. When every single one of your council members are laying bloodied and dead, I will take over and bring us to our rightful place - ruling over all who are below us!"

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