56 - Intentions Revealed

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Who am I
All my life
I've been blind
I've been trying to hide what I long for
Hide what I dream of
It is time
What's inside
Can't decide
Am I ready to leave this behind me
And fight for tomorrow. - Where the Mountain Stands - We are the Catalyst

Davyna's POV

A day has passed, and I've been thrown fully into my metal training. I'm pushing through but I am finding it way harder then before. Diaz says that I have been through a lot of emotional trauma and that is why it's giving me difficulty, but I think it's just me being stubborn for the most part.

I've been keeping Sage in the back of my mind too. Caleb says that she has been doing well since I turned her, but she still hasn't been able to shift without a lot of pain and torment. Caleb assures me it's normal, and that turned wolves take longer learning and adjusting to the change. I plan to go see her today and take her out for a run later, once I'm finished with my own current torment.

Diaz has been pestering me about my birth parents abandoning me. I scoff loudly, as I eye him angrily as we sit across from each other in the training centre. We're both dressed super casual in sweatpants and t-shirts.

"They didn't abandon me. They didn't have a choice. There's a difference."

"You're telling me you don't feel anything towards the situation that separated you from them?"

"No, of course I do, but.." He cuts me off rudely. "But what?"

I roll my eyes. "If you'd let me speak, I'd tell you." My annoyance is evident in my tone. I'm starting to get tired of his bullshit lately. Physical training was another thing, but right now I seriously want to punch him in the face, hard.

"They did not choose to walk away from me. They were forced. I'm angry about it, yes but I understand why. I was a complete unknown and their responsibility. I was deemed a risk to the entire village."

"So do you feel they are your parents? Even though they didn't raise you?"

"Is this some sort of therapy session? You a shrink now?" I seethe, my anger getting the better of me. Diaz growls at me. "It's part of your training, Davyna. You need to work past your feelings. Become more in control of your reactions."

"Yeah, yeah. I fucking get that. I just don't know why it has to be 50 damn questions."

"It's the way it is."

A low growl escapes my lips. "Fine." I straighten my back as I prepare to answer.

"I feel they are my parents, yes. But they just don't know anything about me. I plan to change that by the way." I add on at the end, throwing the hint at Diaz.

"You'll meet them soon, don't worry. Let's talk about Klaire."

My features turn hard. "No." I say flatly and Diaz shakes his head. He's tried to bring her up multiple times now and I have shut him down every single time. It's not that I don't want to talk to her, but it honestly is still too much for me. I know I will have to eventually, and that I am running out of time here.

"I was told you keep your hair long as memory to her."

I close my eyes and exhale deeply. He needs to stop pushing it. "What the fuck does that have to do with anything?" I question angrily as I run my fingers down my braid absentmindedly.

"It means more then you could possibly think."

"I doubt that. We're done for the day. I can't do anymore." I hold my hand up as he goes to persist and get to my feet. "I said I'm done. See you tomorrow."

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