12 - Hallway Showdown

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We wanna scream our pain and break away from the dark. Caught in this wicked game, we know that nothing stays the same.  - Mad World - Within Temptation

Caleb's POV

"What the hell are you saying, Vincent? This better be a joke." I stare at him wide eyed. He looks back at me apologetically. "I'm sorry Caleb. It's not. When I first saw her I felt something and just shook it off, but when she shook my hand..."

I remember back to earlier in the evening before all the bullshit with Asher went down. I did notice Vincent stiffen after he shook Davyna's hand. I put my hand to my head. I know Vincent wouldn't lie to me, especially about this considering he was the one who pulled me out of the dark hole that was my life after the incident.. I trust him with my life. We will work through it. But, how is this possible?

I run my hand down my face. "So what the fuck does this mean? Have you ever heard of two males having the same mate? Wait.. two males from different SPECIES having the same HUMAN mate?"

Vincent shakes his head, "No I've never heard of anything like this. But we're going to have to look into it. Discreetly. Considering what happened tonight, it's safe to say that no one needs to know this yet. She's already in trouble with something concerning Asher, and we don't need to add the confusion and probable anger of the whole compound knowing that two of their future leaders have the same mate."

I nod my head in agreement. "It honestly seems like she doesn't feel much of a mate pull from us either." Vincent closes his eyes and replies, "It would seem that way. I did notice that she was uncomfortable around us before she left the club to go outside, but it's hard to determine if that was because of a mate pull or just discomfort due to it being her first time working at the club with Marcella."

I nod and head towards the door. "It's late, I should get to my suite... but if one thing is for sure, she needs our protection. Human or not, mate or not."

Vincent's eyes flash red for a brief moment. "Don't have to tell me twice."

I walk out of Vincent's suite and go to mine across the hall. Before I walk in, I look towards Davyna's suite. "What are you?" I sigh and walk in and close the door behind me.

 - - -

(The next day)

Davyna's POV

Ugh my head. I passed out hard after Caleb and Vincent walked me to my room last night. I go to get up and get a nice rude awakening from my sore neck. "Ouch. Damn Vincent wasn't kidding. This hurts." I make a mental note to ask Kraven for some muscle cream when I'm up and about today.

I get up and take a nice long shower which helps with the pain, and I look at my neck when I get out. A couple small bruises, but not really noticeable. I breathe a sigh of relief. I won't have to wear something to cover them up. "Thank god."

I pull on some jeans, a tank top, hoodie, and put my white sneakers on. I look around. "Wait.." I left these sneakers at the club with the rest of my stuff from yesterday. How are they back? I find my bag and there's a note on top:

I brought your stuff back and had Kraven give me access to your room to drop it off. You were dead asleep so I just put a few items away and left the rest. Hope you're okay. - Marcella.

I'll have to find her today and thank her. I put the rest of the items from my bag away and I hear a knock on my door. I freeze. Who the hell could that be? Asher? No, he's not stupid to come after me now when everyone is most likely still here is he? A couple more knocks come and I finally can get my legs to move. I look through the peephole and see that it's Vincent. I let out the breath with a large sigh of relief. I guess Asher did freak me out on some level last night. Damn vampire. I guess he knocked some sense into me of the actual reality of me being human here at The Hollow. 

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