13 - Game Plan

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I don't wanna be any part of your scene. I don't believe what you believe, I'd rather be faceless in the dark. - I Am an Outsider - Three Days Grace

Davyna's POV

It's been a few weeks since that encounter with Asher. I haven't seen him around, so I've been focused on getting back into a routine to keep me sane. I can only assume that the threat from Caleb and Vincent sunk in and he's going to leave me alone.

I've finally been able to work out everyday again, which is really helping me manage being here. I walk by supernaturals constantly and I still can't believe that this is where I'm at right now. I visit Dad when I can, but he's usually pretty busy. We sometimes make breakfast or dinner plans when he's able but I've mainly just reverted to messaging and him chatting with him on the phone after he's back from his council duties. He doesn't tell me much about what's happening, but again I don't think I am supposed to know.

I still don't talk to many people aside from Marcella. I still feel strangely uncomfortable around Vincent and Caleb, but they have been friendly to me regardless of how isolated I act around them. I honestly don't know why. I notice them looking at me sometimes when I come across them, but they give me space. I'm torn on whether I should try talking to them more, they're really good friends with Marcella so it's not like I can completely avoid them...

On a side note....one thing I am actually excited about is that Sage is coming to visit me tomorrow! I even got permission for her to stay on my floor instead of the visitors floor. I've been spending some of my free time setting up my suite and getting supplies for when she arrives. I honestly can't wait. I'm kinda nervous for her to be here, but Dad said it's completely safe. We will see, I guess. Marcella has said she will keep an eye out for Sage as well to be sure, so that eases the worry in me a little bit.

It's about 10pm currently, and I hear a knock and then Marcella's voice. "You in there, Davyna?"

I sigh, partially frustrated that I'm being interrupted from the world of my book, and get up off my couch and go open the door. I'm greeted by a big, beaming smile from Marcella. Her eyes sparkle with excitement as she greets me. "Hey! I wanted to tell you that I've reserved Bloodhaven tomorrow night for a little party.. and you're invited!"

Oh no.
Me? Go to a party? Hell no. Those are two things that just don't mix.

"Marcella, I don't think that's a good idea." She comes into my suite and sits on my couch as I shut the door. "Nonsense! You need to let loose a little. It's not a lot of people."

"Who?" I ask, clearly regretting it after she starts naming names.

".... ..... ..... Caleb, Vincent, the dancers from the club.... .... ..." Nope. That's a big nope. I don't do well with crowds. It's just too awkward.

"Marcella, no." She frowns at me in disappointment. "You don't get to say no! I really want you there, plus I wanted to show the girls that new routine we've been working on."

I sigh loudly. "You're just saying that so I come. You know you can't show that routine without me."

She eyes me mischievously. "Maybe..." I roll my eyes. She is way too manipulative for her own good. "Davyna, c'mon! You never do anything!"

"My human friend Sage is coming to stay for a bit. Did you forget?"

"She can come too! Please....come have a little fun!"

She's not going to stop... I point my finger at her and wave it. "I'll talk to Sage when she gets here tomorrow morning, but no promises."

She claps her hands together excitedly. "Okay! I hope I'll see you both there, regular attire and drinks are all on the house. 9pm! Tell Kraven to arrange your travel." She gets up and hugs me and I fumble to hug her back properly.

I still haven't gotten used to actually showing affection towards her. I feel bad but it's just hard for me. I don't know if she notices, but she never shows it or says anything. She walks past me and opens my door to leave. "I really hope you come, you're part of the crew now. You deserve to have some fun instead of being locked up in here or working with me."

"I'll let you know Sage's answer tomorrow once I talk to her."

"Sounds good. Talk to you later!"

I wave to her as my door closes behind her, a little more spring in her step.

 - - -

Vincent's POV

"So what are we doing about Davyna?" I ask Caleb as he's looking through papers sitting on my couch. Documents given from his parents no doubt. He looks up from them and answers, "I don't know. This is a weird situation to try and navigate."

I sigh, knowing I've full well come to that realization myself. "You're right there. I've been thinking though, we need to determine is she is fully our mate or not. We may feel an attraction to her, but there hasn't been any definitive proof." Caleb taps the papers on the table in front of him and places them down neatly. "That's because we haven't been able to get any time alone with her. Her guard has been up even more so since all that shit with Asher."

"Yes, it's been unfortunate. But we need to be completely sure." I say, swirling the blood in my glass as a means of focusing.

"How do you propose we find out? It's not like she's going to let us do that stupid test the council performs for mating ceremonies, plus she still hasn't really opened up to us... at all."

This is true. Anytime we've crossed paths with Davyna, she's been polite but nothing more. Caleb and I have given her space as we've tried to figure out our approach to this whole situation. It's hard enough when it's one mate, but two? It's unchartered territory in my opinion.

I'm brought out of my thoughts as Marcella speaks. "I may have a solution to your problem, guys." She says cheerily as she exits out of my bathroom. I honestly forgot she was here, she's way too quiet.

"And what's that Marcella? I'm listening." Caleb states as he runs his hand down his face, clearly a sign of building anxiety and frustration. 

She grins at me, then to Caleb. "Well I may have just invited her to the party at Bloodhaven tomorrow night."

"She said yes?" Caleb is at full attention now, papers scattering from their neat pile on the table as he moves to fully face Marcella. "Her human friend is coming to stay for a few days, she said she would ask her friend if she was up for it and get back to me. I asked Councilman Matthias about her friend since I agreed I'd keep an eye on them for him while she was here. She's a total party girl. There's no way she will say no."

I see Caleb smile slightly and I can't help but smile as well.

"This might be a good chance to get her alone and see what happens. Drinks flowing, inhibitions lowered.." Marcella winks.

I hold my hand up to stop her. "We won't overwhelm her. But yes, this might work and give us a better idea of what she thinks of us."

"Oh and I convinced her that I wanted to show the girls the new routine her and I have been working on. Thought that might help you guys relieve some of this stupid tension from avoiding her for long."

"Marcella! She doesn't need people watching her." I say in a stern tone. Marcella shakes her head lightly. "I get that... I mean not in front of the whole group. Just you two. Just before everyone else comes for the party at 10. I told her to be there for 9. I'll make up some excuse that your parents made you guys come and see the routine and a rehearsal to deem if it's an okay fit for the club. More responsibilities and whatnot."

"Marcella, you are a damn mastermind." Caleb laughs.

"I guess we will see what happens tomorrow night." I chuckle and take a sip of my blood.

"Something to finally look forward to." Caleb says, and I nod in agreement. 


 - more of a filler chapter! I feel like a double update today!!!
 - who's wondering how Marcella's plan will work?

 - See you in the next one! - vv

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