15 - Taking Notice

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I've been searching my dreams for a lifetime, I'm going to ignite what is in my mind. And I am sincere won't give in to my fears, I don't want to be lost in a dream. - Dream - Amaranthe

???'s POV

"My lord, our scouts don't have much to report. It's been business as usual at the Hollow." I look down at the servant bringing me this news.

I wave my hand to dismiss him, and I get up and walk around this little abandoned mansion I call home at the moment. I pass by my soldiers that are training outside. Things are coming along nicely. I will be ready, I just need to be patient.

As for Davyna, I can't wait to see you again.

 - - -

Caleb's POV

Vincent and I have just arrived at Bloodhaven with Marcella, and as we're walking up to the door Marcella's phone dings. "It's Davyna, her and Sage are on their way." She looks at us, "I told you she'd come."

Vincent opens the door and we all walk in. "It's a relief she is coming. I was getting worried this plan wouldn't work."

"Teaches you to doubt me, huh Vincent?" Marcella chuckles and walks ahead of us. "Okay. So when she gets here, she can't know you guys are here already. So stay in one of the other rooms upstairs until I text you guys to come in. All the girls should be here in about 30 minutes and then Davyna and her friend Sage shortly after."

I nod. Vincent and I go grab a quick drink and head upstairs to one of the other rooms.

Now to wait.

 - - -

Davyna's POV

The car pulls up to Bloodhaven and I hear Sage exclaim loudly. "Wow, this place is huge!"

"Wait until you see the inside." She looks at me with a excited expression. Oh boy. I forgot how extra she can be sometimes. She must be really bored back at home. We get out of the car and I see Marcella by the front door. She spots us and waves.

We walk up to the door and Marcella greets me with a hug. "Happy you came! I wasn't sure if you were or not. Love the outfit! "

"Uh thanks." I pause. "I'm sorry, I totally forgot to tell you. We got caught up after she arrived this morning. I point to Sage. "Marcella, this is Sage, my best friend. Sage this is Marcella, I work with her here at Bloodhaven." Sage holds out her hand and Marcella shakes it. "Nice to meet you, Sage. Come on in! The other dancers are all here and ready to learn."

Shit. I forgot I was teaching before the party!

I let Sage go ahead of me and I lift her jaw up once we're inside. "Settle down there." I laugh. Sage smacks me on the back. "Shut up! This place is gorgeous! You work here?" I nod. "Marcella and I are responsible for all the entertainment that comes from this place. You'll see." I explain as we follow Marcella upstairs. I see all the other girls in one of the practice rooms, actually the same one that Marcella and I usually work in. I wave to them all and set my bag down once we enter. Sage pulls up a chair and Marcella and I begin to chat to the girls, telling them the mood of the routine.

"It's supposed to seem like a struggle between reality and fantasy." Marcella says as I walk in front of them. "The movements don't need to be perfect, but they need to show that. Slow and sensual, but then sharp and erratic." I demonstrate a few of the moves that Marcella and I came up with, and then Marcella and I start to teach them the routine. Honestly it only takes about half an hour before they've got it. 

We're running it through completely when I notice Marcella pause. "Crap I forgot!"

"Forgot what?" I walk up to her. "The council wanted to see this routine to approve it, so they sent Caleb and Vincent as part of some of the tasks they want them to start doing."

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