67 - Aftermath

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Davyna's POV

It's finally over.

Once I emerged from the compound with Elijah's decapitated head, his forces stopped dead in their tracks. Realizing they were beaten, they immediately pledged loyalty to me and The Hollow. It wasn't easy for the rest of the compound to accept the decision, but they were falsely lead by a complete maniac. Where else could they go? Also this way, we could keep an eye on them if those ideals ever came to light again and cut down any signs of a war before it gets a chance to start.

Orders were given out, and everyone started to remove the dead. Caleb, Vincent and I decided they all should have appropriate burials, and Marcella and Sage took it upon themselves to plan that all out, as we were still reeling from the deaths of our loved ones.

Matthias, Kellan, and Celeste.

Caleb lost his father, making him Alpha of the Midnight Moon pack. Vincent lost his mother, and his father Cyrus has decided to step down as well, making Vincent the head of his clan.

I lost the last remnants of my old life with Matthias. His death hurts me, but I hope that him and Klaire are proud of the woman I've become. We've gone from being the children of the council, to being the council. It's going to take some adjusting to, and I am sure it won't be without problems.

But, we can do it.

I know we can.

- - -

(8 months later)

Davyna's POV

"Who thought that so many people couldn't get along?" I sigh and lean back in my chair in the council chambers as the last appointment for the day has finished. Caleb, Vincent and I have been mainly dealing with territory disputes, and minor conflicts these past eight months since being appointed to the council. I'm thankful we haven't had to deal with much else, because it could be worse. Way worse.

"I know. Wish I could just slap some sense into some people, but that's not council-y of me." Caleb says as he rises from his chair and stretches. I laugh lightly.

Caleb has taken the role of Alpha for Midnight Moon well, and the pack has continued to prosper under his guidance. We go to visit every few weeks, and the same goes for Vincent's home in Avern. Both the boys are taking their roles as leaders seriously, and have helped me learn the ropes of governing a werewolf pack and a vampire clan.

My hybrid state has been accepted widespread across the lands, and many know that I am a force to be reckoned with. I rule alongside my mates sternly, but with care and consideration. We're all well respected, and the transition has gone well overall.

Marcella and Sage lead our warriors now, alongside Declan. He decided to stay since I was accepted as a council member. He didn't feel the need to hide himself any longer, which is refreshing, because we've had a lot of time to catch up and get to know each other more, and we find more similarities between us everyday.

Suddenly, the door bursts open and Sage struts her way in, swaying her hips obnoxiously and looking right at me.

"Sorry fellas, but I've gotta take Davyna from you now. We've got a busy evening. If you haven't forgotten, you're all getting married tomorrow."

I stand and make my way down to her, removing my council sash as I get closer. "Yeah, yeah. We remember, Sage. We've only been planning it for months now."

"Say bye to your mates, you won't see them until you're walking down that aisle!"

I turn and blow kisses to each of them, getting large adoring smiles in return.

"See you both tomorrow. I love you."

"We love you too. Sage, take care of her." Vincent warns.

"Don't you guys worry your pretty little heads, us girls have it covered. You take care of yourselves!!"

I giggle as I see Vincent and Caleb both roll their eyes and it's hard not to burst out laughing. They're not too keen on my girl's night sleepover, but that's only because we're still trying to get pregnant. They are on me every single chance they get. We still haven't told anyone we're trying, but we will soon I guess. I actually haven't taken a test recently. I probably should do that.

I make a mental note to go down to the infirmary for a test as Sage grabs my hand and pulls me out of the council room, the doors closing behind us.

- - -

(The Next Day)

Vincent's POV

"Here, let me help you with that." I say as I walk over to Caleb and help him with his suit tie.

"We're getting married today." Caleb states and chuckles. "Didn't think we would ever make it to this day."

"But we did, and what a wonderful day it will be." I smile at him as I finish tightening his tie, and fold his collar down over it. He walks away from me and grabs his jacket off of the bed and shrugs it on. We're both in tailored grey suits, with crisp, white dress shirts and navy blue ties. I've tied my hair back as usual out of my face, and Caleb has pulled his back as well, only leaving a few of his messy waves down to frame his forehead.

"I have to say, we look pretty good. Davyna sure has an eye for this stuff." Caleb says as he comes to stand beside me at the closet mirror. "She sure does." I reply, taking one last look to make sure everything is in place.

"I can't wait to see her, though. I'm sure she will be stunning." The bedroom door opens and Marcella enters, already in her bridesmaid's dress, a beautiful navy floor length gown with silver beading around the halter neckline. "It's time! Let's go you two!"

Caleb nods and we turn to face each other and he embraces me in a brotherly hug. "Let's go get married."



 - We are 3 chapters away from the end!!

 - See you in the next one!! - vv

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