29 - Trouble at the Packlands

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Stay reformed
Erase this perfect world
Hate left below
The dark stray dog of war
Run, run, run
Red cold river
I can't feel anything at all
This life has left me cold and damned
I can't feel anything at all. - Red Cold River - Breaking Benjamin

Caleb's POV

Vincent and I have just arrived at my brethren's pack lands. Aside from the team of workers here with us, it's completely devastated and abandoned. We've been spending most of this first day just being brought up to speed, and helping clean up the damage. We're with a vampire named Darion - the leader of the team - in the main packhouse. It's been ransacked and partially burned from the surrounding fires that have now been extinguished.

Darion is briefing us. "I'd say welcome, but it doesn't seem appropriate." I nod and let him continue. "This is what we know so far. The attack happened while the entire pack was sleeping. The main guards around the perimeter were taken out first and with them gone, the full attack proceeded. Most of the pack members were killed, but the main hierarchy were not found among the bodies. We suspect they were taken."

My brows furrow in anger. "Taken? Why on earth would someone kidnap them?"

"We have no idea, Caleb. Honestly, we can only speculate as to why. In my opinion, they were taken because of their status and their blood. Alpha's, Beta's and Gamma's are the foundations for all werewolf packs as you know, being an Alpha yourself." I nod.

"It would cripple the pack in a normal situation." I state.


Vincent cuts in from behind me. "Do you believe that this was just a singular attack? Or should we expect and prepare for more?"

"Good question, Vincent. At this point, there isn't anything pointing to another attack, but with such little information we have, I can't say for certain that we're out of the woods yet. It's quite a strange situation."

"What is the next step?" I ask. Darion looks at me with a somber expression. "We have to continue to bury the dead. There are way too many for us to handle ourselves. Especially when we're searching and investigating each of them to see if there is anything that can tell us more." I look back at Vincent, who nods at me and heads outside.

"We will help, let us know of any information you find." Darion nods. "Of course."

I turn around and head out, stopping at the front of the packhouse and taking in the utter destruction. I see Darion's team picking and lining up the dead pack members bodies in the far distance, probably getting ready to put them to rest alongside the others who are buried already.

I feel Kaius' anger rising as we take in our surroundings. "I know, I'm just as furious as you." I say, knowing it won't do a single thing to ease him and walk over to help the team.
 - - -

(Three Days Later)

Caleb's POV

It took so long to go over every single pack member and bury them appropriately. It was incredibly tough to see these people, just slaughtered and burned to the point where some weren't even recognizable. And the smell. It still lingers of smoke, ash and burnt flesh and hair.

I'm currently laying in my cot in the tent that Vincent and I are sharing while we're here. My mind drifts to Davyna, wondering how she's doing. I miss her terribly, and seeing all these dead bodies these past few days makes me want to just rush back to The Hollow and scoop her up and never let her go. I know I can't because I have responsibilities here, but this is just such a tragedy. I want to hold her to ease myself, and Kaius.

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