21 - Punching Walls and Shredded Shirts

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I am torn in two
Hold on, hold on
We're barely alive, I am faded through
Hold on, hold on
The fallen arise, I will fight this war for you
And let the dawn of love survive
Broken, I crawl back to life. - Torn in Two - Breaking Benjamin

Caleb's POV

I had to get out of there.

After being so close to Davyna, it took all my might to pull myself together. Her scent is intoxicating, and not being able to be with her fully is driving me mad. My wolf, Kaius was also going insane, so as soon as she went into my bathroom, I finished getting dressed and left. I heard her call for me, but I was so focused on getting outside to shift, that I didn't even respond.

As soon as I get to the wide open forest area behind the compound, I let Kaius take control. We shift and run out into the forest, branches and twigs snapping as our paws race over them.

We need to find out what she is, and fast. I can't take this anymore.

 - - - 

Davyna's POV

After collecting my things from Caleb's place, I storm back into my own suite, throw my shit down and I call Marcella immediately.

"Where are you and Sage?" I say, not giving a shit that my tone is outrageous and bitchy.

"At my suite, Sage is showering. Why?" Marcella replies quietly.

"I took your advice, you know. I took a chance, and Caleb just full out bailed on me." I hear shuffling, a door close, and then a knock on my door. "It's me, open up." I hear Marcella say on the phone.

I answer it and hang up my phone. "What do you want?" My guard is back up now, full force and I'm pissed. I don't know why I'm so angry, but rage just courses through me, unrelenting.

"Easy.....what happened?" She says as she closes the door behind her.

"He just up and left me is what! We... had some type of moment at his suite and then I went to shower and when I came out he was gone. I saw him in the hallway and called for him and he didn't even look back." I spew frantically, a mix of anger and confusion.

"Davyna, relax. He probably needed to shift."

"What are you talking about?"

"His wolf needed out. It can be catastrophic if he doesn't let him out, especially after emotionally charged situations. His wolf feels everything he does. So if you guys were close, it probably triggered his wolf and he became agitated." I remember back to those golden yellow eyes.

So that was his wolf. He could have said something!

I start to pace around. "What is it with me and him.. and me and Vincent? I'm losing my mind here! I hardly know them, but yet I'm drawn to them. One minute I can control myself, and the other I'm melting into a fucking emotional puddle around them! I CAN'T TAKE IT!" I yell and punch the wall I'm closest to, putting a giant gaping hole into it.

"Davyna!" Marcella rushes over to me as I pull my fist out of the wall and cradle it in my other hand. "You're hurt."

"I'm fine Marcella. Just get away from me." I lie.

"Don't you dare think you can talk to me like that Davyna Blackmoon." I look at her and her eyes are blazing red. She grabs my uninjured hand and pulls me down to the couch.

"Stay put, I'm going to get some first aid stuff." She hurriedly heads into my bathroom.

"I knew I shouldn't have bothered, I should have just kept trying to find the fucking vampire that killed my mom and just kept to myself." I hear a small gasp and Marcella is staring at me, first aid kit in hand, her eyes back to normal.

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