52b - To the Hybrid Village

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I am the grass, the maggots and the dust
I am the several endings
The pain of the slow evil of an unsung life
Decades, make them matter
Myriad tales shall befall on you
Before the even ballad of our stay

Walk with me to your sea
Someone in the tomorrow
Is waiting for me
Someone to share the thief with
Dust with a meaning
Precious and rare. - Endlessness - Nightwish

[Slight mature content below!!]

Davyna's POV

I slowly open my eyes, letting them adjust. I look to my right and I see Caleb sleeping peacefully, his hair disheveled and slightly in his face. I then look to my left and I'm met with sleepy hazel eyes. I smile, and roll to face Vincent, and he drapes his arm over my upper body and pulls me closer. He's always awake first.

"Good morning, love." He says, voice still thick with sleep.

"Morning, handsome." I reply and he leans in and kisses me softly.

"How are you feeling?" I stretch and wince a little as the soreness between my legs, but then I blush remembering that I had sex with both of them last night!

"I'm okay, a little sore but I'll manage. I feel in control too. No pain." Vincent smiles widely.

"I'm glad. Last night was nothing short of amazing."

"You've got that right." Caleb says as he leans over me, trailing his fingers down my bare skin on my arm as he kisses my neck. My eyes widen as I realize we are all still fully naked! We hadn't bothered to put clothes on after we all cleaned up since we were too tired. I totally forgot, and I'm suddenly hyper aware of how close they both are to me at this exact moment. I try to stop my rampant sexual thoughts, but it's no use.

Caleb inhales deeply. "Someone is aroused." He teases, and nibbles on my ear and I blush. He pulls me so I roll onto my back, and he climbs on top of me, and my breath catches in my throat as he pushes himself inside me.

Vincent shuffles so he is right beside me and brings my left hand under the blankets and makes me clasp my hand around his erection.

Oh fuck.

"We're never going back to normal sex are we?" I manage to ask before a low moan escapes me as Caleb starts to move.

"Not a chance." Vincent and Caleb say harmoniously.

What a way to start the day.

- - -

Vincent's POV

I didn't want to leave our bed this morning, but we unfortunately have to prepare for this journey to the hybrid village. I'm packing our bags as Davyna showers, and Caleb has been talking to the council to confirm our departure.

I sigh as I make mental notes of what still needs to be packed, and then my attention is drawn to the wonderful beauty that emerges from the bathroom, towel tightly wrapped around her. Her long black hair is up in another towel, and smiles at me sweetly as she heads past me and over to the closet.

My mind drifts to the events last night. The ball and dancing with her, teasing her throughout the night, then proposing and then ultimately Caleb and I having all of her; together. I watch her as she lets her hair down and changes into her bra and panties; a beautiful matching light peach colour, and then pull on a pair of grey jeans and a black tank top. She doesn't need much to enhance her beauty.

I watch her walk over to her dresser and pick up her engagement ring from beside the picture of her adoptive mother, Klaire and place it in its rightful place on her left hand. She pauses and kisses her fingers and places them on the glass frame. She takes her hairbrush and combs through her curls, and leaves them to air dry.

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