46 - Departure from Midnight Moon

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Imperfection was a strife
We couldn't handle but we tried it all
Tried it all, I descend before the countdown
From the notion of emotion
I will wake up when I've learnt to fall
Breaking the spell, the appearance of perfection. - Countdown - Amaranthe

Davyna's POV

"Ouch." I say out loud as a branch scrapes my arm as I traverse through the thick woods at the back of Caleb's house. My t-shirt isn't doing much of a job protecting my bare arms, but at least my jeans are covering my legs. Birds are chirping, and the sunlight is trying to peek through the massive bushels of leaves on the trees above me. I've been so stirred up since seeing those eyes last night, so I decided to come out and see if I could find any trace of who it was. I've found a few snapped branches in the area, but nothing definitive. No scent, no garbage, or any type of trace that someone was there. I know what I saw though. I didn't imagine them, did I?

I stop as I hear Caleb yelling for me, his voice getting louder as he comes closer to my position.

"Mate is calling for you." Freya chimes in.

"Davyna! You out here?"

I step out of the tree line, and I'm greeted with a smile from Caleb. "I'm here."

"What are you doing?" He asks, and I'm compelled to not tell him, considering I have no idea what or who I might have seen, but I remember his words from yesterday and I blurt it out.

"I saw a set of eyes out here last night. Hybrid eyes." Caleb's striking blue eyes widen at my words in complete disbelief. "You saw what?" He asks, clearly confused.

"Hybrid eyes. White and silver. I swear I saw them. I came out last night to get some air, hoping I would be able to settle for bed and I sensed something in this exact spot. I didn't see anything at first, but then I sensed it again and saw those eyes. The exact eyes that Vincent said you both saw on me before."

"Any trace of anyone?" I shake my head. "No. I've been out here for an hour, and aside from some broken branches, there's nothing here. I swear I saw something. I'm not crazy." I hear the panic rising in my voice, and sigh as Caleb approaches me and pulls me into him, wrapping his arms around me as he hugs me lightly. "I believe you, baby. If we can't find any evidence, then we will just have to keep our minds open and eyes peeled to see if we notice them again."

I nod into his chest and look up and he pecks me on the lips. "Vincent is coming by this evening before we leave to head back with us. We're taking Asher's threat seriously, so we both want to be there when you walk through those doors at the Hollow."

"Okay. That eases my worries a bit. I can't help but think the worst."

"Both Vincent and I will not let anything happen to you. Plus you're a wolf and a vampire now. You can defend yourself if you need to. Don't hesitate."

"I don't want to hurt anyone..." I trail off and lower my gaze. Caleb grabs my chin and makes me look at him again. "Don't. Hesitate. If you're alone, you need to defend yourself, okay?" I nod. "Okay."

Suddenly, I feel incredibly tired. I yawn and Caleb takes my hand and we start to walk back to the house. "Tired? Sorry if I took a lot out of you last night when we.." I cut him off. "No, it's not that. Last night was lovely. I've just been feeling a bit off since we awakened Freya, that's all. Honestly, I think it's just fatigue from adjusting to the new awakened sides of me."

"You could be onto something there, baby. It's definitely been a big change for you."

We reach the back porch, and Caleb opens the back door for me and I walk in, him close behind. "You can go rest if you need to, I have to go do a few things to prepare for us leaving tonight."

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