11 - Assessing the Damage

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What doesn't kill me makes me vicious. I'm not gonna break, I can take all that you can give, this is survival of the sickest. - Vicious - Halestorm

Caleb's POV

Those eyes. A beautiful grey. It was hard to look away after I helped her to her feet. Her answer to my question, floored me.

"You're human?" I ask after Davyna states her father's title. She looks at me. "Is there a problem with that?" Shit. She sounds offended. Good job me.

"No, not at all, just surprised is all." Before she can say anything else, Vincent cuts in.

"We should get back to the compound and check you out Davyna. Make sure there isn't any damage done from Asher's little show of strength there. And I'm not going to take no for an answer. Unless you want me to report what happened here to the council." She goes to protest, but stops and sighs. "Fine."

"I'll stay here and finish off the night and come check on you later alright Davyna?" Marcella gives her a quick hug and heads back inside.

"Let's get back, I'll tell Ruka to bring the limo around." Vincent pulls his phone out. As he's talking to Ruka, I look over at Davyna, who had decided to sit on the curb while we wait. Her hair is coming undone, no thanks to Asher, but she looks as though she's deep in thought. I watch her carefully, looking for any sign of shock or tears from her after what just happened.. but there's nothing. Come to think of it, she didn't really say much when we first met her alongside Marcella until she had to. Makes me wonder why. I need to get to know her more. And find out why I have a human mate.

I see her get up as the limo comes around. I come up behind her and place my hand on her hip and open the door for her. She tenses slightly at my touch, but I let her get in and sit where she wants, and I sit beside Vincent as to not overwhelm her.

"Are you really okay?" Vincent asks her as we pull away from the club. She looks up at him and nods. "I'm alright, thanks."

The rest of the ride is silent.

Davyna's POV

I don't want to get checked out, but if I'm going to keep this away from Dad, then I'll tolerate it. The ride is awkwardly silent, but I don't care. I just want to get this over with and get back to my room. I'm pissed at myself that I wasn't able to fight back.

We finally pull up to the compound and get inside the main lobby. Vincent walks ahead of me and Caleb is behind me. Vincent scans his wrist and we get in the elevator. "You're on the 9th floor right?" Vincent asks as the doors close. "Yeah." I reply, clear defeat in my voice.

"Us too. Let's go to my suite, I have medical supplies there to check you out, then we will take you back to your suite."

"I can go myself you know."

"Maybe, but Asher lives here too, and on this floor. Until you're safe in your room, he could come back." Well, he's got a point there. I don't think I'd survive a second encounter with that asshole as I am now. I don't want to admit it, but I am shaken up. Why the hell would he come after me? I just got here.

I follow Vincent to his suite which is at the very end of the hall. Caleb is right behind me and hasn't said a word since we got in the limo to come home. We walk in after Vincent holds the door open for me, and his suite is similar in design to mine, but his décor is all silver, white and red. "Sit on the couch, I'll be back out shortly." Vincent walks away and I plop down on the couch as ordered. Caleb comes and sits down in a chair across from me. Still silent.

Okay, now. I decide to break it.

"Maybe you should be the one getting checked out." I state and he looks up at me, seeming to break out of whatever thought process he was working through. "Sorry, just in my own head. Wondering why Asher would come after you like that. He's never been violent towards anyone before.. I mean he's not really liked around here and is kind of an arrogant asshole, but we've never had to do anything about it."

"Well we're definitely going to now." Vincent says as he enters the room again with the supplies. "Can you put your hair up please? I want to make sure there isn't any bruising or anything. I didn't see so I don't know how hard he was holding you." He looks at Caleb.

"She was going to pass out when he saw me and dropped her." He answers, anger definitely making itself known around the edges of his words.

"Alright then."

I move my hair and I flinch as I move my neck to Vincent can take a look. Ouch. This is so not going to feel good tomorrow. I keep my breathing even as I feel Vincent's chilled fingers inspect my neck. "No bruises yet, but you're definitely stiff. Might be like that for a few days. Just put some muscle relaxant cream on it and it should heal fine."

"Are you hurt anywhere else?" I shake my head. "No I'm alright."

"Are you angry or something?" I hear Caleb say and I face him again. Should I say anything? Why does he care? At this point, I don't care. I'm fed up with how my first evening at work has gone. "I am but you don't need to worry about it."

"Well I do, you did nothing wrong. There's nothing to be angry for."

"There's plenty. Not fighting back for one, and having my guard down." Caleb acts surprised. "You expected to fight back? You would have gotten more seriously hurt had you have done that."

"He shouldn't have put his hands on me, I was so distracted after..... my first day at the club that I wasn't paying enough attention. I should have just ignored him and came back in."

Vincent clears his throat. " I doubt you would have been able to even do that, Davyna. It seems you were Asher's goal the whole evening. He saw us before we met you and asked us about you. We thought nothing of it at the time."

"Oh great. I haven't even been here a week and there's already a target on my back? Fucking fabulous." Caleb and Vincent chuckle slightly. "It's getting late, let's get you back to your suite." They both follow me out of Vincent's suite and down to the other end of the hallway where mine is. I pause before opening the door. "I know I haven't seemed appreciative, and I apologize. Thank you for helping me."

"Our pleasure. Goodnight." Vincent smiles after his reply.

"Night." I swipe my card and go into my suite. I lean back against my door and look at the ceiling.

"Fucking Hell."

Vincent's POV

As soon as Davyna's door closes, I turn to Caleb. "We need to talk." He nods and we go back to my suite. I grab a glass of blood, since my nerves are relatively shot after that whole evening.

"She's the one you were talking about at the gym right?" Caleb looks at me wide eyed. "Yeah, I honestly think she is my mate. I feel this connection that I can't explain, it's insane..."

I hold up my hand as Caleb goes to continue to speak. "Stop there.... I know."

He looks at me surprised. "What do you mean.. you know?"

"She's my mate too."


 - a second mate? who knew? haha
 - chapters will start getting longer, more to read!

 - See you in the next one! - vv

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