2 - The Vampire

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So short but innocent, it always will remain, and all I know is it was good. My childhood memories and I was blessed to live. - Veritas - Kamelot (ft. Elize Ryd)

Davyna's POV

I stand there frozen, just staring. His voice chills me to the bone and I shiver once more. I'm sure I look like a deer caught in headlights with how wide my eyes probably are.

My mom's voice snaps me out of it. "What do you want vampire? Why are you on my property?" I see her tense from my place behind her. I don't blame her reaction. This vampire just shows up unannounced at night. Doesn't scream "Hi, I'm friendly. Let's have a cup of tea?" at all.

I watch as the vampire shifts his weight and continues to look past my mother and directly at me. Completely ignoring that she just spoke to him it seems. I glance around nervously, avoiding his gaze and to try and hide my fear that I can feel creeping up. I try to breathe normally and go to exhale, but a nervous squeak escapes my lips. I mentally facepalm. Damn. So much for that.

"Are you nervous, special one?" My head snaps back to his direction, and before I have a chance to reply, my mother clears her throat loudly and asks again. "What do you want vampire?"

He finally looks at her. "Oh not much, caught a scent while I was passing through and decided to investigate. And what a surprise it is!" He looks back at me and smiles. I gasp as I get a glimpse of his fangs, having never seen them in person before. I take a startled step back and see my mother hold her hand up, signaling me to stop. I take in another breath and release it, realizing that I'm letting my fear get the best of me. I need to keep a level head. C'mon Davyna, get it together!

Letting my shoulders relax, I'm reminded of a weight in my hands. The axe! I totally forgot I was still holding it. I adjust my hands and tighten my grip on it. Honestly, it probably wouldn't help me much but I do feel better knowing I have a weapon in case I need to defend myself.

"There's no need for you to be here. Attacking humans is against your laws. Leave." The strength I hear in my mom's voice makes me feel like she may convince him to do just that. Admiring her, I find myself smiling a bit.

"Who says I'm here to attack you?" The vampire takes a small step forward and my mom quickly steps back to stand beside me. "She would be a great addition to my coven...and human? I think you're lying." I stare wide eyed as he raises a finger to point at me. What is he talking about?

My mom shakes her head. "She's human. She belongs here. If I have to report you to the supernatural council, I will." I shudder as he laughs loudly. "You think that I'm scared of some bogus beginnings of a council? They haven't even gotten their feet wet since making themselves known to this world and taking all of us out of the shadows." He looks around. "Besides, something tells me since you're all the way out here that you wanted to be away from the cities and in retrospect, the council. I doubt you've ever even seen or reported to the council before. Am I right?" He smirks.

Dad deals with them though... I think to myself. I have to get to dad!

I feel a slight tap on my arm. I look towards my mom, and feel another tap. What is she doing? I feel a third tap and realize she's wanting the axe from my hands.

"That won't help you. You're better off just giving in. I don't want to have to hurt you." The vampire says as his eyes dart between me and my mother. "You're not taking her from here." She grabs the axe from my hands and steps directly in front of me.

"Mom.." I go to speak but she shushes me. "Davyna, as soon as you get the chance, run and get your father. Remember, he can't get into the house. You'll be safe in there." I do remember Mom and Dad saying something like that...

Before I can protest, my mom runs towards the vampire, axe raised. I watch as he stops her almost immediately and throws her aside easily. I look at her crumpled form and then look back at the vampire. "Weren't you supposed to do something?" He smirks at me. Shit! I didn't run! I turn quickly and dash for the back door. As soon as I get it open, I'm pulled back by my ponytail. I scream and react by whirling around and hitting the vampire in the chest. Nothing. His chest feels like rock. I keep smacking, hitting with all my might but he just laughs. "Don't worry special one. You'll be well taken care of."

As he goes to pull me away from the door, I hear him hiss and suddenly release my hair. I slump to the ground and see the axe embedded in his back, with my mom breathing heavily behind him.

She looks at me. "Davyna, GO!" I scramble to my feet and go for the door again when I hear an ear piercing scream. I look back as I get inside the back door and my heart leaps into my throat.

I see the vampires back with the axe still embedded in it and blood running from the wound, but I look down and also see his hand submerged in my mother's chest. I clap my hand over my mouth and whimper at the realization he's holding onto her heart. Her life is literally in his hands. I hear him say "If you had just let me take her, this wouldn't have happened. I can still let you live if you choose to back down."

"Let her go! We did nothing to you!" I scream at him. He looks back at me and snarls. I look on with worry when I hear my mom say, "You're not going to have her. Never." She spits out angrily, while blood starts to trail from her wound and from her mouth. She looks towards me with loving eyes and mouths "I love you" before the vampire hisses out, "Fine. Your choice then."

He then proceeds to rip her heart out of her chest and drops it as her body slumps down. I scream hysterically and feel something snap inside me. The vampire looks back at me, while trying to get the axe out of his back unsuccessfully. He snarls and walks up to the still open door and pounds on the invisible barrier between him and I, my mother's blood flying off of his hand that was in her chest only seconds ago.

"Looks like I started something.....You'll see me again, special one... Davyna. I'm looking forward to it." He smirks again before going off into the night. I look at my mother's lifeless body and my knees give out from under me. Before I hit the ground, my dad catches me and pulls me into his chest as I start to sob.

"I heard you scream and then came running. I look at him and sob again. "Vampire...mom... " I can hardly get words out.

"I'll call the council." He says as he looks over my shoulder obviously towards my mother's body and I hear him swallow loudly. Probably holding back his tears for my sake. I hear the click of his phone hanging up, not even registering that he had backed away to make the call. He comes and holds me again and we stand there for what seems like an eternity, my Dad never once loosening his hold on me as I continue to sniffle and occasionally sob. We only let go of each other when the council representatives and enforcers arrive and tell us we're finally able to go see her having it deemed safe to go outside again. The vampire who killed her is long gone. The council told us that they will attempt to track him down and considering he is injured there should be a trail.

Making my way over to my mother, I wipe my eyes, I kneel beside her and I look at her lifeless blue eyes and I close them. I place a kiss on her forehead. "Thank you for protecting me, momma." I stand to look up at the moon now fully in the sky as Dad says his goodbye and her body is taken away.

"I won't be weak again. I'll avenge you, I promise." I say as I clench my fists tightly.

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