16 - Party, Party

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So easy to see you and me today, a searchlight, we're alright, we're fine without this. Self loathing fear now that stands in our way. - Blind - Saint Asonia

Davyna's POV

We get back downstairs and I immediately head to the bar and grab a vodka cranberry. Sage isn't far behind me, and comes up just as I gulp the drink down in 2 mouthfuls.

"Okay take it easy there, D." I hold up my finger to her as I finish my last mouthful. I sigh as I feel the tingle of the alcohol hitting my stomach. "That's better. Needed to calm the nerves." I order another and just start to sip it slowly. Sage orders a sex on the beach and sits beside me as we start to see people coming in for the party. I take a moment to scan the room and I find Vincent and Caleb sitting in the same booth they were in when I first met them. Do they sit there for a reason?

"Honestly you really need to take a leap of faith and get over there." I choke back my current sip of my drink. "Sage I told you. Not happening!" I hit my chest lightly, trying to clear out the alcohol that I just almost aspirated.

"Then why do you keep looking for them?" I look at her, and my face drops. "I don't know, honestly." Sage looks at me with a saddened expression just as the music starts up and more people pile in. Yeah okay, small party my ass Marcella. Almost the entire floor of the club is packed at this point. Not too much so that you can't move around, but you would have to squeeze through in some areas.

"Feels like I should be working." I say and Sage chuckles.

"But you don't have to! That's the best part!" Marcella says as she comes up to Sage and I at the bar. She orders a drink which I don't recognize, chugs it and then grabs my hand and looks at Sage. "Lets go dance!"

I roll my eyes and go to protest, thinking I just had to perform in front of Vincent and Caleb and I need a break, but I know I can't voice that out loud. I wouldn't hear the end of it.

I sigh and finish my second drink and place the glass down on the bar as Sage finishes hers and does the same. "Okay, fine." The moment I reply, I'm pulled out to the dance floor, which I didn't recognize was cleared away of the tables and chairs that usually are on top of it. Sage and Marcella start to dance right away and then I feel the alcohol starting to hit me and I join in, worries going away for the moment.

 - - - 

Caleb's POV

I see out of the corner of my eye Davyna talking with Sage at the bar. I chuckle to myself having heard them earlier upstairs. Sage is pushy, but she just might push Davyna into mine and Vincent's direction if she keeps at it so there's no problem there. I like her. I then see Marcella make her way up to them and after some exchange of words - I don't bother using my wolf hearing -  the three of them head out to the dance floor, and unknown to them, Marcella stops where Vincent and I would have a straight shot view of Davyna.

"Marcella is just too good at this." Vincent says and I laugh. "She really is. I'm surprised Davyna hasn't noticed."

"I did see her chug a drink down real fast when she first got down here. Maybe the alcohol is lowering her guard a little." I nod towards them. "I think you're right there, as usual."

Vincent looks in her direction and looks back at me, "To quote you earlier, this is torture." He puts his hand on his face and pulls it down and then rubs his temples. "Cold shower tonight for me."

"Same here, Vincent. Same here."

A bit of time passes and I see the girls leave the floor and head back to the bar. I finished my drink long ago. "Want another?" I say to Vincent as I grab his glass. "Yes, thank you." He replies and I get up and make my way over the bar. Marcella sees me and slightly moves out of the way so I can stand right beside Davyna.

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