69 - Future

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Davyna's POV

I groan as I sit onto the bed and remove my heels from my aching feet. It's nearly 3 am, and Vincent, Caleb and I just got back to the Hollow from our wedding reception. Everyone partied it up like crazy, and it was such a wonderful evening.

Everyone was happy, there was a never-ending amount of smiling happening around me, and it was completely and utterly perfect. I couldn't have asked for a better wedding day.

I lay back onto the bed, still in my dress.

"You should get that off baby before you fall asleep in it." Caleb says with a hint of seduction.

"You just want me naked." I state, not looking at him. He chuckles and comes over and pulls me to my feet, wrapping his arm around my waist, and his other hand holding the back of my neck. "You are absolutely beautiful, you know that? Even after a full night like we all just had."

"You're right about that, Caleb. She is beautiful." Vincent says as he enters the room himself. " I was speechless when you walked into that room today, love." He walks up and plants a light kiss on my temple while Caleb is still holding me.

"Ready to call it a night?" Vincent asks me as I yawn loudly.

I nod. " I just have to get changed and use the bathroom, can you unzip me?"

"Gladly, love." Caleb leans in and kisses his mark as Vincent walks behind me and unzips the back of my dress. I break away from them and step out of my dress lightly and pick it up.

Caleb takes it from my hands "I'll hang it up, baby. You get ready for bed."

"Okay. Thank you." I smile at him and go and grab my bag that I had for staying at Sage's, and grab a silk nightgown from my dresser. I head into our bathroom and close the door. I place my bag on the counter and unzip it, grabbing my makeup remover and face wash, as well as my moisturizer.

I am not going to bed with makeup on. Nope. No matter how tired I am.

I get to work removing my makeup and washing my face, and as I am massaging my moisturizer in, I glance over and see the pregnancy test that Sage grabbed earlier placed nicely into the side pocket.

I totally forgot! I should take it before I go to bed.

I grab the test and take it out of the package, and head over to the toilet and do my business. I've taken so many of these now that it's not as awkward peeing on a stick. I chuckle to myself as I replace the cap and set it on the counter.

I grab my toothbrush, glop some toothpaste on it and start to brush my teeth while I wait for the test to develop, setting a timer on my phone for three minutes. I freshen up with some deodorant and take my hair out, and soon enough the alarm beeps and I shut it off.

I look up at the ceiling, nervous to see what it says, and after a long sigh, I grab the test lightly and look down.




I bring my hand up to my mouth to muffle the cry that comes from my lips.

It's positive.

I immediately grab my phone and text Sage and Marcella.

D: I just took the test.

S: And? Spill!

M: What did it say?

D: It's positive! I'm pregnant!


M: Congrats! Have you told the boys yet?

D: No, I kinda want to surprise them. Any ideas?

S: Wrap the test in a gift box, say it's a wedding gift!

D: That's a good idea! Love you guys.

M: Love you too!!! So excited for you!!

I put my phone down and stare at the test in disbelief.

It's happening. I'm pregnant!

- - -

(The Next Day)

Sage and Marcella came over early in the morning after the boys left for some council stuff, and brought me some tissue paper and a box to put the test in, and now I am just sitting on the bed, waiting for them to come back. It should be soon.

I am so nervous to tell them, but I know they'll be excited. I haven't felt any symptoms yet, but I know supernatural pregnancies can be different from human ones, so I don't really know what to expect. All I do know is that I am so ready to start a family with my mates. Beyond ready.

I'm brought out of my thoughts as I hear the front door close and Caleb calls for me.


"In the bedroom! Is Vincent with you?"

"I am love."

"Can you both come in here for a minute?"

I hear their footsteps coming towards the room and I place the small box in my lap as they come in.

"Everything okay on the council front?"

"Perfectly peachy." Caleb replies and he looks at the box in my lap. "What's that baby?"

"Oh this? It's a wedding gift for you two. That's why I wanted you to come in here." I stand and allow them to sit on the bed as I pull up one of the lounge chairs. They look at each other and then I hand it to them.

"Open it. It's nothing bad I swear."

"Okay.." Caleb says as him and Vincent pull of the black ribbon I wrapped so neatly around the silver box. They rustle through the layer of tissue paper and I bite my lip as they look. I see their eyes widen, and then they look at each other again and then at me.

"Are you?" Vincent speaks, his voice breaking.

"We're pregnant." I say with a grin on my face. "I took that last night."

"We're having a BABY!" Caleb exclaims and rises and pulls me into him and kisses me deeply. Vincent stands with us and kisses me as well, and then both of them trail their hands down to my still flat belly.

"God, I love you both so much." I feel tears welling up as they both embrace me. 

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