19 - Sweet Moments and Murder

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Once my life was plain and clear, I recall once my ignorance was bliss. 
Nightfall came like a serpent's kiss, to my troubled mind. - Abandoned - Kamelot (Ft. Mari Youngblood)

Davyna's POV

"You're important to us, Davyna..." I hear both Vincent and Caleb says as they approach me....

"Davyna, wake up."


"Davyna, WAKE UP!"

I shoot awake and fall off the couch with a loud THUMP. My book goes skittering across the floor and stops close to my front door. I panic. I didn't mark my page! Sage starts laughing at me so hard that she falls into the blankets on the floor. She composes herself after a minute, and then proceeds to talk.

"Marcella texted me, her and the guys are on their way. They had to get some blood for her and Vincent and then went and got their snacks. They should be here in a few minutes."

"Did you really have to yell at me to wake me up? My ass hurts." I say as I rub near my tailbone, trying to stifle the throb where my ass came into not so light contact with the floor.

"I tried to wake you gently but you were out cold. All while having a major snore session." Damn I was out then if I was snoring. Oh well, at least no one except Sage was here to see that.

I rub my face and get up off the floor and go retrieve my book and frantically flip through the pages to find where I was. Just then there is a knock on my door, and Sage looks at me with anticipation, then shrugs and sighs. She walks over and answers it. Marcella, Caleb and Vincent all come in and Sage talks to them first, as I'm clearly distracted.

"Come on in guys. Choose a spot, put your snacks wherever. Marcella, Vincent, does your blood need to go in the fridge?" Sage says, clearly taking on the role of host.

"Yes, it does. Thanks!" Marcella brings over some glass bottles filled with blood and enters the kitchen as Sage follows her. "I'll open the wine."

I'm still frantically trying to find my place in my book while all this is happening. I then find it, but then look around. "Where is my...." I look up to Vincent placing my bookmark on top of my book in my hands. "Bookmark.... Thank you." I feel nervous butterflies turn in my stomach. 

He smiles at me. "It was over by the door when we came in."

And you don't need to know how it got there. Nope.

He continues. "I didn't know you read." Sage cuts in as she comes back out from the kitchen, "Oh yeah Vincent, she's a real bookworm when she's got the time. Can hardly get her attention when she's into a book."

"A girl after my own heart." He replies and I feel myself blushing a little. I quickly place my bookmark in the correct spot, and quickly say. "I'll be back, putting this back.. uh where it... uh in my room.." I wave the book and walk to my room. It's starting already. Can my brain just work for once? Embarrassing. I close the door for a moment and take a few deep breaths. "You've got this, just relax." I tell myself, the solid frame of the door keeping me up. I place my book back on the bedside table and after another couple calming breaths, I head back out.

When I return, Sage and Marcella are in the kitchen getting more snacks ready, and Vincent and Caleb are looking through the movies they brought near my TV. I join the girls in the kitchen area. "What can I help with?"

"We haven't poured drinks yet, maybe ask the guys what they want?" Marcella suggests.


Yeah okay, Marcella. I'm onto you. I walk out of the kitchen towards the guys who are still deciding on movies, and clear my throat a little. They stop talking to each other and stand and face me. Oh boy. Hazel and blue eyes stare at me, and for a second I almost can't speak. Thankfully, I manage to find my voice.

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