10 - Problems Already?

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I can't breathe I can't get this out, Don't know and I can't explain
But still I feel that I will... I'll be the only one now.- Sink Into The Underground  - CKY

Caleb's POV

"It's her." I manage to say quietly, unsure if Vincent even heard me. As I get a good look at her as she walks behind Marcella, I'm even more sure.


My wolf Kaius howls in my head.

She has a small frame, but I notice now that she's definitely more athletic and fit then than I thought. No wonder her reps at the gym were like that. She has long jet black hair that falls past her hips, slightly curly. It's braided mostly away from her angelic face. Minimal makeup, but I don't care about that. I'm stunned on her outfit she's wearing but that's definitely Marcella's doing. I notice she looks slightly nervous but is trying hard not to show it. Why would she be nervous here?

"Caleb?" Vincent looks at me, breaking my inner monologue. "Did you say something?" I put my hand up, "We can chat later, no biggie." My breath catches as she and Marcella come up to our table. They didn't lie when they say your mate can literally bring you to your knees. I'm already smitten and I don't even know her. I catch her scent, and it takes every single ounce of me not to just grab her and leave right now.

"Caleb! Vincent! So happy to see you both. Finally got away from the council for some fun?" Vincent laughs, "Yeah I guess you could say that."

Marcella reaches behind her and pulls the girl beside her. "I wanted you guys to meet someone, this is Davyna. She's new and will be helping me out here at the club."

"I'm Caleb, happy to meet you." I smile at her, and she smiles slightly back. Oh how I long to see her genuinely smile. I look over at Vincent and he's staring at her wide eyed, but snaps out of it quickly and holds out his hand. "I'm Vincent. Very nice to meet you." She reaches her hand out and as soon as they touch I see him completely stiffen. What's up with him?

 - - -

Davyna's POV

The night was relatively quiet, Marcella introduced me to everyone she thought was important. Just when I thought it was over, I see someone wave in our direction, and then see Marcella head over. I sigh and follow behind her. I don't hear much of the conversation until I hear my name. "...Davyna. She's new and will be helping me out here at the club."

I look at Caleb as he introduces himself. I quickly realize he was the one staring at me at the gym! I try to smile back but I'm sure I look stupid. l look at him and I'm blown away by his physique. No wonder I saw him at the gym. He definitely looks like he take pride in maintaining his body. Why was he looking at me? He's already intimidating me with how muscular he is..

Mental note: I think I'm going to try and avoid you as best as I can.

I then look over at Vincent and notice him somewhat jolt himself out of something. He introduces himself and holds out his hand. I reach over and shake it and notice his grip tighten slightly on my hand before letting go. Alright this is getting weird. Do I look bad or something? Leave it to my new 'friend' Marcella to dress me, and this is how I'm received. Lovely. 

Marcella starts to speak again, and I tune out as I look at Caleb and Vincent. What is it about them? They look menacing and powerful, but I can't seem to look away. I see Vincent and Caleb both look at me out of the corner of their eyes while Marcella is talking about god knows what, and all of a sudden I feel uncomfortable. I shake my head slightly and speak up, "Sorry guys, I've gotta get some air. I'll be back. Nice to meet you Caleb, Vincent." I say as politely as I can before turn and go for the front door, trying to catch my breath that seems to have suddenly escaped me.

Once I'm outside near the parking lot, I can finally breathe. "What the hell was that?" I say to myself as close my eyes and lean back against the brick wall of the building. A few minutes pass and then I hear a voice. "Hi there." My eyes shoot open and I see another male standing in front of me. 

Now what?

I decide to plant my feet and move away from the wall. "I'm Asher, and you are?" He holds out his hand. I keep mine to myself. "I'm Davyna. I'd appreciate if you could give me some space, just taking some time away from the noise inside."

"Oh sure, just wondering though. Are you the new council member's daughter by chance?" I look at him seriously. "And if I am?" I answer with some attitude, unappreciative of the randomness of this meeting. This isn't a round of 20 questions. I want to be left alone. 

 Although once I finish my answer, I'm pushed back into the wall. Hard. I flinch, but then Asher's hand is suddenly around my throat. His expression is one of clear, seething anger and my eyes widen in the realization that he's a vampire too as his red eyes scan over my face. I grab his arm and try to pry his hand off while choking out my next words. "Let go.. of me, what the... hell did I ever do to... you?" His grip tightens and I see stars. I feel the grips of unconsciousness coming, as my vision continues to blur and darken. He's clearly not going to let up anytime soon.

I can't pass out. Who knows what will happen if I do? I continue to struggle, but my efforts prove useless as I continue to weaken due to the lack of oxygen. I dangle by his grip, my feet just scraping the pavement below. He's going to kill me at this rate.

Just when Asher is about to say something back at me, he drops me suddenly and disappears. I cough and gasp as air rushes back into my lungs and I stay kneeled on the ground with my hand massaging my neck. As I'm trying to pull my own self back together, I feel myself being pulled up by strong arms. I look up and it's Caleb. Still dazed, I stumble to my feet, but he steadies me, hands firmly placed on my arms.

"You okay?" His voice is calm, soothing. I blink multiple times, trying to clear my vision, and I manage to choke out, "I'm alright." I look over his shoulder and see blurred figures coming out way. As they get closer, I realize it's Vincent and Marcella, and they're sure coming up to us in a rush. "What the hell happened? You took off so fast." Vincent asks. Caleb looks back at him. " It was Asher... he was holding her up by her neck, choking her against the wall."

"That dweeb. What does he think he's doing? We will have to report it." Marcella goes to pull her phone out. I hear her fingers lightly tapping the screen and I panic inside. If Dad finds out about this, he's sure to freak and have some sort of protective detail assigned to me or something. That would really hinder the whole reason I agreed to come here.

I finally find my voice. "No." They all look at me bewildered. Caleb speaks first. "He attacked you, the council needs to know." I repeat myself. "No. I'm okay. Leave it be." Really hating the telltale uneasy rasp in my voice as I stand my ground.

"Why did he attack you? Did he say?" Vincent questions. I continue to rub my neck, and cough again before replying to him. "He asked me if I was the new council member's daughter. I answered with some attitude and next thing I knew I was against the wall, being held up by my throat. I've never met the guy before, he just randomly approached me."

"Are you?" I hear Caleb say. I look at him, then Vincent and finally Marcella who already knows.

"Yes, I'm Davyna Blackmoon, daughter of Matthias Blackmoon, the new Human Relations Council Member."

 - Caleb to the rescue! Any ideas why Davyna was attacked? I'd love to hear your theories!
 - Also double update, didn't want to leave it on the previous filler chapter. 

  - See you in the next one! - vv

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