Chapter 2:bandages

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*(y,n)'s POV*
     Today's already been exhausting enough as it is, but this mess?? Heh.. heh... it's hilarious, it absolutely tops the cake.

     Steadily, while continuing down the empty dirt path, my body has begun to send more and more signals to me that I'm getting drowsy, and fast too. The pain sweltering around the slash is something that I can easily ignore, but it's the bleeding that's the issue.

     Shinobu wasn't wrong about the chance of me passing out if I'd increased the bleeding.

     With all the blood I'd let free back at the trial earlier, it's not a longshot that I'm starting to feel the lasting effects. To add to such a result, the rare occasion of me quarreling with people is always taxing for me, intensified by the fact it was Sanemi I was up against. May he be considered the king of arguing, I'm still baffled I got my point across among my comrades at all.

     I looked up at the clear skies overhead when drawing out a whispering sigh, the sun shining high and bright. Sundown shouldn't be coming anytime soon, I suppose... it won't be much of a problem for me to let my guard down a little and regain my strength. I have been quite busy lately with missions and whatnot, I probably would've ended up doing this at my estate if my will to stay awake wasn't fumbling so effortlessly. These feet of mine are only going to hold up my weight for so much longer, dwindling already in the balance of my axle, and I'd much rather prefer for the choice of rest to be optional before it's forced.

     Releasing a silent and muffled exhaled, I looked around for a moment while shaking away a bit of the blood accumulating into the dip of my palm, and here it is; in front of my eyes, just the place I could use right now for some me-time. Not too short or tall, this healthy willow will offer just the right amount of shade from the sun under it's canopy of drooping branches. Gah, couldn't have come at a better time. 

    I scanned the area cautiously... -Look, I may be willing to let loose, but I have the right to be just a tad bit careful. Even in the smallest of dilemmas, there's always something that happens to go array. A silent prayer to the heavens above; such bad luck won't apply to now.

     Ok, no suspicious people near, no people at allactually. Sky doesn't have much of a cloud to it... domain looks pretty safe too... Wonderful. 

     Havine the reassurance lift
a weight off my shoulders, my wavering feet took a step off the path and made an immediate beeline to the willow tree. I settled myself down in the shade and slipped off my patterned haori, folding it up to be used as a makeshift pillow. Resting there for a minute, I gazed up at the softly swaying leaves, and my (e,c) orbs gleamed with treacle luster as the branches danced with the motions of the wind. Quite a relaxing spot, I'd say-

     "Mrs.(l,n)! What are you doing down here?" I held back my groan of frustration when hearing my Kasugai crow land into the leaves of the tree I've chosen, and I swatted away the particulates of bark and little twigs that came from the disturbance of her touchdown while she tilted her head at me. I stared her down in her sleek, black eyes with a glare- not a thought to that ogling of hers. Just when I was about to close my eyes too... great.

     "I'm trying to go to sleep, leave me be." I made a light waving gesture to the bird if my words weren't already blunt enough about my intentions. I grumbled when hearing a testy ruffle of her feathers. Even with the clear answer from me, she persevered nonetheless, relentless. 

     "But you're still bleeding, ma'am! Should I call for aid?" 

     "Don't-!... Don't do that..." I muttered off tiredly, a breath unintentionally slipping from weariness at that last part, but I still held onto my consciousness. I can't go falling asleep right in front of my crow, because then she'd REALLY get worried then.

Cold hearted (KyojuroxReader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ