Chapter 59:Sakura Pudding

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~*(y,n)'s POV*~
     The curtains of these halls, these covered halls under a spell for so long... At last, I can take a stroll through them and breathe in the fresh air. No more flowers to cluster it up, they've all disappeared from their pots, some of the porcelain shattered and melted from what I can only assume was Kyojuro's doing. This is what we've been living with all this time- dark stretches into damp, cold crevices, even darker nooks and crannies in a forest full of them. These corridors were poisoned, and we removed the thin layer of paint that was deceiving us from what they're truly for.

     Won't be like this forever, not when every window I pass has its sheers opened at last, shining on all that the mansion is now. Broken, but still beautiful. It does the same with my sapped appearance, morning coming at last to show the gray around my eyes. Soon enough, the same will be said with the last roadblock keeping our client from the road of peace. That shadow, obstructing the clarity we all need.

     There were things we didn't want to see, pictures that should've never crossed our minds. We can't just walk away now after that, all we have left is to cure what is still mendable.

     I pushed the outside door to the side and marveled at the overgrown gardens outside, once looking to be perfectly trimmed and kempt. Almost made me think that Shutsuga was still around, the trunks and branches mended together as if they're tangled hair. That lion tamer is long gone... but that circus couldn't run without its clown.

    There's only one little area where sunrise hasn't quite reached. He's caged in there, back against the wall, just what he gets for a beast like him. Small, cowardly. I was starting to think he was telling the truth about his sun allergy... for the second time. Shame on me, I suppose.

     Now in his true, demonic form, Hoshino cowers away from the two things left that can rid the world of his hinderance. He's already facing the first head on, and here came the second.

     The crude man flinched back to see my Nichirin blade pulled out from my sheathe, a twitch away from reflecting the sun right his way. On purpose? Maybe. I pointed the tip to the space between his eyes, staring him down the barrel at where I should shoot. "This is where the road ends, Hoshino. You've got death facing you every which way."

     "Shut up, you damn Demon Slayer! I can still make this estate mine, watch me!!" He laughs as if he's got a way out of this. Sincerely, I'd love to see it if he actually had one, if that quiver in his voice could make a grown man laugh. He's cornered... literally. He was probably trying to scuttle off before jailing himself in this predicament.

      "Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but you can't get out of this. The sun isn't going to stop rising anytime soon, so would you rather burn or have me take you out easily?" I should've give him the privilege of an option, not this despicable, greedy soul. His whole purpose here was to manipulate Lady Yokomeda and Shutsuga. He got one of them... but having the other is still a blessing.

     The demon before me thrashed his teeth, the veins of his body going off in little spurts of red. So, he has the case too. "Don't even try it." Cutting off the attempt- and his arm- I reprimanded him before any type of Blood Art could kick in. A swat on the wrist, if you will.

     My enemy cradled the stump of his limb until everything grew back into one place, looking fit to throw a tantrum at my power. He won't be trying that again, not unless he wants to die even sooner.

      "Tell me, where'd you get the blood from? Don't play stupid, I know you didn't start out with those veins." Good time to ask... no fighting, nothing left to lose, he might as well. I can't kill him before at least trying this, I didn't have enough time to discuss it with his late accomplice.

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