Chapter 49:Palace

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~*(y,n)'s POV*~ 
     Lady Yokomeda's palace... is a palace, to put it very lightly. Not saying that it's lackluster, or anything, it's quite the opposite. Everything that an extravagant woman like her could possibly want in life put in one giant estate, plus full rein over said everything. She does it well, too, just makes it all the better.

     Her spouse obviously knew of her intelligence before she could make a move in the past, ensuring her confinement until... simple, he no longer could. Being an entire island away with no contact (probably ran off to one of his vacation mistresses) doesn't give you much control back in the main island.

    Her husband is barely ever around, anymore. No more spending days up in her room talking to me through the bars of her window, for her, letting any flower she desires to grow as she pleases. It's not like anyone can tell her otherwise, she's determined. She used to talk to me all the time about making the property her own personal flower bed. Her dreams have finally come true... I envy that oncept. I wish I wasn't here in this cart, with her, wearing this uniform, on the way to the front gates... because I know what it means to be here.

     "I begged on everything for you not to return, dear, not that I don't cherish your company." She and I think alike... I hooked my gaze at the high-class citizen from her side of the flower infested carriage, my posture, nothing to her perfect, royal stance. The woman sighed when noticing my eyes on her.

     "The last time anything like this happened, it was on the outside of the palace..."

    "And now it's inside, like you said. You don't have to apologize, ma'am. This is but for the safety of you and your residents." I placed my hands together in front of me, glancing down at my feet. I thought I got rid of the demon problem last time I was here. I spent an entire two weeks scouring the forest and walls of the palace, killing aimlessly before another enemy came along. Though, it was the distraction I needed after my coronation, I wish I'd known soon I'd be returning. There's no eradicating it, I have to remember, there's always a chance of the danger returning. It's exactly why this business has been going on for generations. Better still, why we're still trying to kill Muzan.

     "I should've come to the help of Demon Corp once my first servant went missing, but I thought they'd just run away from the job." She patted around on her form before coming up with her colorful fan to fluff out, hiding her mouth behind it. The frown, it still shows in her eyes. Ever present, her disdain can't be contained any longer.

    "If the attack that prompted this had shown up any earlier, I would've called off all my guests from coming here, made sure the walls stayed on full lock down." She said to me surely. Unfortunately, money and business come before the lives of others, come before the morals of rationalities. To keep the Yokomeda name what it is, stabs must be made into the crowd. The biggest of top shots let people die and won't bat an eye, so who's to say a demon roaming will change anything.

    "Is it that time of the year again?" I asked when seeing some of the other wealthy walking on the outside of her estate, their expensive robes and layers glimmering among summer's sun.

     "Correct. It's even bigger, since they know my face-limp partner won't be around." She rolled her eyes when thinking about that middle aged scumbag. The fact that she's able to show so much disrespect is an accomplishment. She'd get snatched up by the lips if such words were uttered last year.

     "No more drab meetups and empty dining halls, I made sure that their visit would be an experience like no other!" The stars alight within her eyes and fill the carriage with even more beauty, as if her Junihitoe hasn't taken up most of that job.

     "Unfortunately, it really is an experience like no other. Demon threats aren't a normal festivity, M'Lady." The comment comes and goes with a shake of both our heads.

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