Chapter 8:Aura

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~*(y,n)'s POV*~
     "-Sir... Sir. Could you please answer the question?"

     "Whuah~... What... w-what was it you asked me again, doll?" The fifth time in counting that I have to repeat myself, more unbearable than the last four. Makes me absolutely sick to my stomach, any sane person would feel the same if they had to be on the receiving end of this bullshit. He's resorted to flirting with me, dismissing all my attempts to have a civilized talk. I swear to all things holy, if I hear one more goddamn comment about 'How stunning I'd look in a skirt' or 'The space in his bed waiting for me', I might need Kyojuro to hold me back from socking this asshole smack dab at the center of his face. Break his nose... a drunken creep like this deserves it.

     "I asked if you've seen anything suspicious around the city. Like disappearances, of sorts?" I pinched my temples as I prickled, fed up, and retracing my steps once more in the conversation as he giggled at me drunkenly.

     I sure have had a real talent for weeding out the worst people to question about the matter at hand tonight. Especially this one. From far away, he seemed like the perfect candidate for my mission- had exhausted eyes that looked like they held the world's secrets within them, seen things that anyone would wish to eradicate from their mind- on the contrary, he's in fact; just drunk. Intoxicated to the point where he can't properly stand on his own, and yet, he still continues to take chug after chug from his drink.

     ... I should've left when I smelled the twinge of cheap liquor orbiting around him, so pungent and revolting that it might as well be considered a solid.

     "Suspicious things..." The old codger slurred during the interval he took to make love to his bottle of alcohol from where he sits on the bench. Is he finally going to give me something useful to go off of? He's thinking... longer than all the other rounds. That's good! It has to mean that-

     "Well..." He began while... one of his hands sauntered in it's path to reach out towards me. It didn't raise; it's going to my behind, maybe give a squeeze or two to knock his rocks off. Trying to cop a feel in broad sight of everyone around us? Ugh, how vile. He wasn't taking his time to think, he was just growing a pair to stretch things to the next level. Does he think I'm blind?! It's official, this is going to be my first time to ever commit 2nd degree assault.

     "Give me a little sugar and I might tell you~ c-come on, toots, I don't bite-"

     "You get your FILTHY hands away from her!!!" I flinched back when a woman looking a little older than me came by and rammed a large- and packed full- burlap sack straight at the drunkard's face to bash him away from me. He gave a scraggly cry as he fell to the ground and spilled his drink all over himself, could hardly scramble to his feet when the fuming villager took another swing at him with the luggage, this time a nick away from hitting his goods. Damn, beat me to the punch. I didn't even realize until now how hard I've been clenching my fist, on the very last string of my patience.

     "Go on, scram!! I told you to stop hanging around my father's store and causing trouble for people!!!" She yelled, waving around the object threateningly as he scuttled away and pushed through the other citizens near us, tearing loose a ruckus. Those in the way of the onslaught shot looks of disgust his way at his sloppy state, but soon went back to their normal night as if nothing had happened. This must be a common occurrence for them.

     "Better... bastard comes around here every time he's drunk... acts like it's home sweet home..." The woman who spared me a nasty experience fixed up her unruly hair back into its neat style as she whispered a line of insults under her breath, and she soon looked over her shoulder at me while rolling her arms out. She slung the bag over, smiling.

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