Chapter 55:Kaburamaru

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~*(y,n)'s POV*~
     Before every battle, there is a period of preparation on both sides. Weapons and supplies are checked in advance of the war that will rip out across country sides, battlefields are mapped. For the warriors that believe this will be their final stand, they write to their families for what may be the last letter to send off. The rest; they train, all lined up in straight lines and going with the flow of the crowd. The weapons of the ready army swing into the air at the same time, hours of practice and routine leaving not a single foot out of place. It's only necessary. If there weren't still tasks to tend to during the day, we'd rehearse from dusk to dawn.

     Not a single person has made it a point to complain, gripe, none of it. Their lives are on the line just like the rest of us- if they don't take this seriously, fine. They have themselves to blame if met with demise. In war, cooperation is what keeps others alive.

    Just like we're preparing, so has our enemy been doing over the past day. We were right to think that everything we say can be heard, last night was sure interesting. I made several rounds to Shutsuga's office to exterminate the vines trying to crawl in there. He's on the target list. Assassination of the commander, foiled, thanks to his soldiers. No immediate attacks have been made, sobeit. As it was on the first night here, we sit above a cauldron not yet at a full boil, the bubbles failing to reach. While all is calm, we continue to kick the dirt and grime up with our heavy movements.

     At the very end of the dance with the parasols pointed towards the north sky, the rest of the performers dipped down with a pivot, using their flowery props to cover themselves away. As for me, I'm the only one to stay standing, my umbrella up tall in the room. A comfortable feeling, with my sword handle connected and lodged into place. Mitsuri and I had to find a way to keep our blades hidden among everyone else, how else, but using the parasols as a sheathe? Kyojuro's idea was ingenious, to remember we're dealing with ears here, not eyes. 

     Fit for the ambush we've orchestrated.

     It's all been written down and passed out to the servants to be looked over, as if us slayers are the playwrights. We share matching uniforms and haoris to hide our slayer uniforms among the rest, all thanks to the tireless efforts of Lady Yokomeda's tailors. When the time comes at the very end, I'm to pull my sword out and pin down our enemy, Hoshino. Once all the guests see him heal in front of them, he'll have no choice but to fight. There's only so far that he can play with the mind, I'm sure of it.

     He's still missing, and now, even my client has noticed. We break it to her today that he's our guy. It'll be tough, but we have to tell her eventually. Better than her having to witness her secret lover him being impaled right next to her, she'd be traumatized if she didn't know why.

     "Great job today, everyone! Remember, tonight is the night! This show will be a blast!" Shutsuga said to us at the very front of the room after seeing us dancers perform for the 10th time tonight, letting the other mansion workers erupt into a sea of clapping. Everyone's in on this... M'Lady did say we have to keep the tenants safe from this demon, and that's exactly what we'll do.

     "I know this might be scary for some, but remember, we have our Demon Slayers here to ensure everything goes smoothly. We promise to you, we won't be having another demon attack." Snapping his fingers, the advisor had one of the other servants in the room roll out  a larger piece of paper for all of us to see. The real message;

'Stay in formation at all costs, and don't move from it. The Demon Slayers will only have a clear shot of where Hoshino is going if you stay calm and follow orders. Do not get out of line unless it is truly necessary.'

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