Chapter 30:Hood

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~*Kyojuro's POV*~
     "-From what I've already looked at, you should be back up and moving sometime after next week! A full recovery as usual, Kyojuro!" The Insect Pillar jumped off from the patient's bed and dusted off her apron with that comment, just now finishing with changing the dressings of my wound as she does every morning.

     Only took her a little over 30 minutes to go through the full cycle, not a single bat of her eye in the wrong place. Those expert hands have moved like they've done this millions of times before- and they probably have. I'm sure I'd fall right back to sleep if her conversations weren't moving at the same pace as her fingers.

      She picked up her clipboard from the bedside table to jot down a few things in her notes, letting me slip my comfortable shirt back onto my shoulders. I didn't button the clasps back up immediately, listening quietly to the woman as she went on.

     "I'll be back home after next week?" I asked my comrade, sitting up in my place.

     "Indeed! I'd leave training and strenuous movements to the week after you return, but there's nothing serious about your wound. You did lose a lot of blood and all, but that's just because of how big the damage was." Shinobu relayed the news to me after she was done with her writings, hugging the clipboard up to her chest while glancing back at me. She looks rather happy, doesn't even amount to the normal smile that she always has around others.

     "Something's got you excited huh?" I asked her with a gesture to her expression, getting a laugh.

     "Oh, I'm too easy to read..." The slayer discarded her papers off to the side next to me on the bed. With a hop, she walked around to the other side where she just was, flicking off her sandals as she did when she first got up here with me. She can barely keep herself professional right now...

     "I can't stop thinking about your condition!! It's quite impressive how quick (y,n)'s thinking was, it couldn't have been more than a second of a window, from I've heard from you both!"

     "What do you mean?" I chuckled a little, looking up to face her as my hands fiddled at the bottom of my cover shirt.

     "It takes looking at your wounds to understand; everything she did here was intentional! Well... besides injuring you, of course." Excited, Shinobu jumped back onto the bed behind me and nudged my shirt collar down again to examine the long gash on my back and shoulder.

      "From the moment she first struck, she had to have known the danger you were in. Otherwise, you wouldn't have gotten away nearly this well..." The Insect Pillar commented as her fingers lined the edges of where my stitches are once I moved my long hair away.

     "It's a very complicated place to get damage from- all the vital areas that could've been hit or tweaked. Skilled can't even be taken into account that she avoided the worst of it."

     "Mind telling me a few of them?"

     "Are you sure you want to hear it? It's a little much to process..." Shinobu leaned a little bit forward to my front and raised her eyebrows at my gaze. I shrugged my shoulders at the suggestion. I've already had to take so much and it's only been two days ever since what happened between the Ice Pillar and I, I think I can take all of the possibilities that could've been on that fateful night last week.

      "I'll take that as a yes..." She sighed, pushing the shirt I'm wearing further down on my muscular arms.

     "To name the worst... if she tried to change the trajectory of her swing, she would've hit one of your vital arteries, or worse; your nape and neck combined." The slayer behind me said as her finger traced in the path that (y,n)'s sword could've very well taken, the line across my neck that she drew making me take down somewhat of a shaky breath.

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