Chapter 53:Exotic

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~*(y,n)'s POV*~
     From which his hand once held the tray is now empty, waiting for that butler to pick up the drinks and juggle them around once more. He must've set it here before last night's incident, unaware of the danger that would befall this estate. Maybe not as unaware as the rest of us were, he woke me up to help Kyojuro, he knew that something was going on. Now? We don't know where to start, and what may've finally been a reliable source of information has been sent to our trusted butterfly. Refuge in Shinobu's home after the rapid fire of events that ravaged us, both our minds and safety played like a fiddle.

    We were prepared... mostly. If we were on full guard, then maybe we wouldn't be missing one of our own, right now. In looking for an answer to what we can't see, we nearly let what's visible to our human eyes be snuffed out permanently. Him, though... It's like he already knew what was going on. He saw, opened up a third eye and saw it all.

    There's no saying what he did witness to want to talk to us urgently; he was too mangled to possibly stay awake. ... Our ally was to be silenced last night. He was.

     I looked around at the drink cellar to the two remaining slayers and our client, head in my hands among the lantern light. A moment of silence stretches on into the seconds, into the minutes and onward. We'd set our swords down with not a singlesound if it were possible, but the our stillness is enough. There hasn't been anything said as of- "I think I may write in to my husband, (l,n)." ...Yet.

     "Absolutely not, we won't be having any of that." I commented to the woman the instant that she said it, leaving my fellow Hashira off to watch in shock. I suggest for most people not to put so much on me, to have such a faith that could get them killed, but choosing to give up the freedom she has isn't an option. We'd all get it from Mr. Yokomeda, then. 'We had every chance to hold her accountable', 'should've never come here'... my squad would never hear the end of it.

     -But we damn won't hear the start.

     "You said it to me yourself that you wouldn't contact him, if it's the last thing you do. Don't do that to yourself, or anyone else here." Sharing a deeper connection with her from what she allows to show past that expensive hand, I set my hands down as quick as my voice. The wooden bar has been wiped clear, I see a straight reflection.

     "I know for a fact that if he was in this estate right now, you'd have a lot more layers on, and would've never been seen anywhere near this cellar." She goes to sink into the many fabrics of her kimono, only a fraction of the price to what the full set is. Who needs a regal stance like hers when you have pounds of expensive material to curve it? Is it the embodiment of wealth, or a feat to boast over a flower that's been over-watered?

     "What if this is the only thing that will work... he could hire some guards from the village, probably keep good eyes on the palace." A jitter went through her sentence, all with her hands tapping on the wood in front of us. Kyojuro shuffled over to her and calmed her hand down- he knows what it means to fidget so much, it's the first thing he goes to, oftentimes. It's what what he resorted to earlier, only stopping when our host entered.

     "Lady Yokomeda, we are the best protection you could possibly find. There's no need to take drastic measures." He's the one to take the softer approach to her gloominess, dull the chill of my words to not risk upsetting her.

     "You hired Demon Slayers, not regular guards. This is what our profession is for, and average guards wouldn't be any better than your helpers." His voice slowly got her fan to lower from her face and show the smile of those bright red lips, cherry-blessed, just like the color.

     "Even if it wasn't for your guests, think of the people who work here. Everyone I've talked to tells me that things haven't been ever been better than how you've lead them. They love you!" the butlers and maids as well... no one likes her husband, and especially not his power over the house. Better than we keep him as far away as we can.

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