Chapter 35:Shinai Sword

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~*(y,n)'s POV*~

-I know it's been long ever since we've spoken, (l,n). You don't answer my messages anymore, or come to visit up in the mountains. I could very well approach you at any time, but I won't do so until I'm aware that you still want to hear my name at all.

I understand you might not want to talk to me after everything that happened 'back then'. I just want to know that you're alright. I hear a lot around Demon Corp about you, your accomplishments and status, but that doesn't tell me what I can only get from you, and it pains me as your sensei to be left clueless.

I'm worried about you, I always am, as I always have been. You know this, you know me. Each day that goes by, I feel as if it's only growing worse, because there are things I'm concerned about, just as much as you.

This solitude from you has gone on for what has seemed like an endless time, and the silent treatment has given this old woman enough sense to know that I shouldn't hold secrets from you any longer. I've withheld so many... And it led to the very reason why you won't associate with me any longer.

Hopefully, if you'd both received and read my last letter, you'd know that I discussed something very important regarding everything that we've had to live through, and I must say-

    I closed the scroll in just a matter of seconds when stopping abruptly at the last sentence I read, stuffing it into a pocket among my haori with one last glare to it. Words waiting at the tongue to the paper are left unread once again, silenced by what little tolerance I have left for the echo of so many other letters to me. Many unread words, and many others to come in the tail of this unrequited response.

     I don't bother to read through all of the messages that my sensei continues to send me. I know for the better not to go through the corridor of memories connected right through her belt loops. Many of my thoughts love the idea of reconnecting the bond I once had with Sensei Chikaradzuyo, but if it means keeping myself safe... saving my mind safe from everything that leads back to her, it's not happening. I would've thought she'd give up by now, get the idea that I don't want to make up so that she can move on... but she was always one to dote on me, as she said.

     I know especially not to be taking my chances with any of her new letters that my crow keeps bringing to me today, I have business to take care of. Can't go getting psyched out beforehand.


     I ignored the looks and little whispers of the tired, slayers next to me with a pat to the paper in my clothing, them, continuing to run up the same path I'm walking. Some stumbled on their feet like buffoons as they ran with their necks broken, sights away from where they're supposed to be facing.

     They act like they've never seen a Hashira in their lives, I feel like a relic with all the stares I'm getting. But, then again, most of these warriors are just sweaty teens who don't have the time to gawk at the girls down in town. Seeing a full grown woman walking to the same destination as them must be a dream come true on such a hot day like this. I couldn't care much, they're going to be seeing a lot more than just me walking alongside them.

    I looked around at the opening in the woods of breathless boys on the ground and equipment as they plopped down after running, some taking gourds of water to cool themselves off (such thimble stamina in this generation of demon slayers, though, I suppose they've been worked more than what they asked for today).

     I placed my hand on the shinai sword I brought along with a sigh and made a turn on my heels to observe the teens still making their way into the perimeter of the training area. I know the person I'm looking for should be here, I even had my crow come scout the place just ten minutes ago to be sure I wasn't mistaken.

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