Chapter 4:Drunkard's song

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~*Kyojuro's POV*~
My eyes went to admire the starry sky with a soft expression as my footsteps sounded on the path, an old drunkard's song being slurred out by my friends from behind, strides seeming more like a sluggish dance routine. My cheeks feel warm to the touch with the color sprinkled across them- a little tipsy from tonight's meet up; not nearly as much as those two. My high tolerance comes in handy sometimes.

I left with Tengen and Sanemi after the dinner party, now travelling back to the Rengoku estate while they follow in my path. I'll be the first to make my stop. I would keep an eye on my friends for longer, but I'm sure the Sound Pillar's wives will find them, knowing their husband would end up like this.

"Damn... *hic*... tonight was fun... especially when you jumped in for our trust fall, Kyo'! Man, you scared me! ... can't believe you didn't catch me too..." Sanemi paused his singing and hobbled over to my right side to prod me in the arm, laughing to himself as he stumbled over his teasing words. The tallest out of us took the left, putting on a similar expression.

"Y-you were like WOOSH, and- and Sanemi moved out of the way, AND THEN you caught (y,n)! That was so flamboyant of you!! You're such a ladies man~"

"I wish just being a good friend..." I said bashfully as he shook my shoulder through his exaggerated recap, my slight alcoholic blush growing darker from my embarrassment. The man continued with his taunting against me when seeing my reaction, more amused this time over.

"If only you could HEAR how fast your heart was beating after you caught her! Coincidence? It could be because-"

"Oh, cut it out Tengen. It was *hic* probably just because he moved so fast..." Sanemi reasoned with the intoxicated Slayer on his side of the path- an unintentional favor, handling that type of teasery isn't exactly a... strong suit of mine. Heh... I fluster easily...


I haven't forgotten about that little... incident, it's still very fresh in my mind, has been since. When it all happened, I could barely even comprehend the scene. One moment; I'm talking to Giyuu, and the next; I've rushed over to the Ice Pillar to spare her from a hard fall, putting us both in a situation never once journeyed. Time slowed altogether when I saw Sanemi move out of her way (I had my eye on most of the interaction), and I just couldn't let her hit the ground!

Consider me too kindhearted for my own good; I would've used my entire body to ensure I broke her fall, if I had to. That might sound weird, but there's no denying it.

Her reaction did strike my attention for some time. She looked surprised, well past that, even commented that I didn't have to catch her. The protest that I gave to that was... the bare minimum of what I wanted to say. Not a lie comes to mind when I sate that I'd do the same for all my comrades. Especially her, someone who barely has anyone to trust.

I took an easy breath in as I placed my gaze off my feet and to the path- such an action suddenly stuttered. Stuttered why? Because there's someone standing at the front door of my family's place.

"Who is that...?" I squinted my eyes as my friends and I neared. I wouldn't be so muddled about the sight if not for the circumstances; it's no time to be wandering around, the sun won't be rising for hours. There's never anyone out around such late periods.

My flamboyant comrade looked there as well when hearing my comment, beating me to the catch. "... Kyo', isn't that your Father?" Tengen leaned down next to my ear and whispered, eyeing the proven non-stranger.

He's right... it is my father.' Don't know how I couldn't recognize him sooner... we look identical to each other.

My older self is waiting at the entrance to our place, arms crossed, a large smile on his weathered face. The puzzling part? He doesn't look drunk in the slightest. It's either my buzz tricking me, or he's finally trying to cut back on his drinking. Ergo, unlikely.

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