Chapter 56:Tainted air

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~*Kyojuro's POV*~
     Hats and uniforms of the same stitch file past me with their colorful umbrella, me, the only one who walks away with my normal slayer uniform. They're off to perform for a full palace, but my entourage won't be seen, and I quite hope that it stays that way. It's not a dance  for any of the innocents, this is a private session for... someone else.

      Us Slayers and Shutsuga took some time to decide who would take care of the people on the inside, since we're almost sure that the demon's reach span all across the estate. It was between (y,n) and I for the one to stay behind, determined for me to take the post after deducing that her ice would be more useful in the main fight. That doesn't mean to discredit my capabilities, I'll be more than useful with where I'm set at.

     In other rural areas, workers will use a farming technique called slashing and burning to clear up the old crops... Can you guess where this is leading to?

     We were almost sure that things on the interior of the building would grow rampant if we didn't have someone to weed the gardens. We'd be two steps behind if we all were busy with the main show. Wouldn't you know it, I've been itching for a little something of a contest, anyways. I've felt myself getting all antsy, being cooped up in this mansion for days on end.

     I stopped in the dark hallway for a moment to peek outside where more colorful lights are, peering at the festivities being held. The drums have been sounded, and the dancers at the very bottom are off to their positions. This is the very start of it all, it's only a matter of time before everything is turned upside down. Hoshino will be gone, the Yokomeda palace able to be put to sleep at last. The timer has begun.

     With all that I've been left in my arms to carry, I can't stop wishing that I could've enjoyed this place with my friends a little bit more. This whole time. we've been on purely mission-mode. Obviously, this is a vacation, but what more can some dusty warrior think when stepping into the mansion of the Yokomedas? It would've been a dream to taste more of the foods with Mitsuri and not feel like I'm starving, explore with Iguro and his smaller companion, or even watch the Higasa Odori and relax with (y,n). In the same position that we were in earlier? Well...

      I did that intentionally. Research only. Take it how you want... I even see it as a little reprehensible. It was flirting- not on accident-,just a nudge to test a response.

     I've spent so many days bothered by my feelings for her that I just can't take it anymore. I'm taking matters into my own hands, at least now that I've been reassured by the woman that I don't have to be so scared. Shame me if you want, there's nothing harmful intended behind it, it was all in the name of an investigation. I'm not breaking any rules from our promise, the whole thing was to not make romantic moves on each other. It's not romantic if I don't mean for it to be become romance... right?

      If this isn't to test the waters with her, then it'll at least go towards cracking the code to what's going on inside of my head. I can do this before going to Shinobu on the deeper notes, have more evidence to use. I've seen my friends try these moves on other people, seen how they reacted. In my case, I shouldn't be reacting to them at all! After all, she's only a friend, and that's how I see her. A good friend...

     I say that, when I failed not to react. Beginner's bad luck, I guess, I'm still not used to flirting with people at all. As for the Ice Pillar... She was just fine, and I'm happy with that. She thought nothing of the cozy position, or the blush when she looked up. I consider that a success! My findings will take me exactly towards my goal, and then... we might actually go along with each other perfectly fine, dance more and enjoy one another's company without our feelings getting in the way.

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