Chapter 24:Gomoku board

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~*(y,n)'s POV*~
     I stumbled back on my heels and fell to the floor behind me when I was forced through a ring of bright light, a whole new room around me that I stumbled into. My whole face was frantic as I collided with the flooring of another tatami mat, the problem dawning on me more, if it wasn't already up in my face enough. I didn't get to reach my arm out in time through the portal I was taken through- I don't have my sword!!! I can't be in this place without it!!

     Before I could think of trying to dive back through the circular window, It closed right in front of me, the last image being that of the Kyojuro being transported out of the area as well, my sword going along with him. I sat sprawled on the floor of the new room with eyes like saucers, and even in the rest of me is calm, there's not a single bit of tranquility in this mind of mine. 

     ... This isn't happening... This mission was already bad enough without this on my plate.

     I placed my hands on the wall left for me to stare at, feeling around the surface as my teeth gritted slightly. My sword... I couldn't get my sword in time, we were beaten by the separation. I don't know where my comrade is, I don't even know where I am, and worst of all... I've been left near defenseless.

     "Fucking hell!!" I hissed under the whisper of my breath as I slammed my fist into the sturdy wood wall I've leaned onto. I need to find the Flame Hashira, quickly, too. We can't stay apart for too long as it is. We already lost Muichiro at the beginning of this journey, and getting torn apart from each other on the inside this massive mansion isn't doing us any better. Even if I had a weapon, we're stronger in numbers, being detached won't do us any good.

     Putting down my little outrage, I shifted my eyes to the side, the inn room almost visible to me. But the emptiness isn't what I'm focused on, it'd be better if it was only the room, not the pleasant goddamn gift that's come with it.

     "... Are you going to attack, or what? You've been sitting there this entire time." I lifted my head up from the wall to face my eyes to the rest of the room, glaring as my hand dropped down. Noticed the bad aura as soon as I woke up. That could've been real useful to have my senses working for when the portal demon showed up... probably would've prevented this from happening, but at least it's assisting me now.

     "Hey, you're the one without a weapon here. I would think you wouldn't act so nonchalant about being in the same room as us. You don't have any way to kill us, by the looks of it." A manly voice spoke as the left hand went to scratch at the stubble... the other head snickering under her cover of Geisha makeup.

     A demon of two heads, connected to each other by the neck of one body, most of the rest covered by a long, teal and white haori. A rather jarring appearance. The face on the left is that of a woman's, her deep purple hair strangled into two fluffy pigtails. The other is a young man, a humble, traditionally handsome look, his hair taking upon a bun. They'd both come across as relatively normal if not for the awkward conjuration... I hope things aren't worse under that clothing of theirs, they could be hiding anything.

     The demon- demons sit in front of a game table, fifteen by fifteen, at the looks of it. They keep a bowl of coin-sized black stones on their end, the empty seat on the other side; white. Already offered up is player two's spot; it's as if they've been waiting for a new- if not another- opponent for a while. 

     "We don't bite, trust us~" The feminine head cooed, "Please, come sit down. Play a game of Gomoku with us!" She gestured their right hand to the available spot, continuing to smile at me as I turned around entirely. They waited for an answer from me, the man seeming to grow impatient the longer it went by. Do they really expect me to sit down at that table? It's gotta be cursed or something, open up a giant cave of teeth the moment prey sits down on that harmless cushion.

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