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King's Landing 298 AC.

Jaehaerys Targaryen.

He looked at her as they lay in their bed, Jae smiling as he brushed her hair from her face and Margaery then closing her eyes as he rubbed his hand against her cheek. They'd spoken and it had been as if a huge weight had been lifted off his chest. Even knowing they still had things to resolve and that they'd covered most but not everything couldn't make this feel any lesser to him. She was with him, she understood and they were together, beyond that nothing else truly mattered, they were together and that was everything.

"What has my husband smiling so?" she asked, her own lopsided grin on her face as she opened her eyes and looked into his.

"That my wife is here and she's with me." he said before leaning in to kiss her softly.

"I am always with you, Jae. But I need you to be with me too." she said and he nodded.

"I will be, Marge. I swear I'll not keep anything from you, not even things that may cause us to argue or fight." he said with a chuckle.

"Well I'd prefer if we don't argue or fight at all." she said rolling her eyes.

"Really, even when making up is so much fun?" he said as she slapped his arm.

"You are incorrigible Jaehaerys Targaryen." Margaery said as she laughed.

"My wife makes me so, I am but a man who is unable to resist her charms." he said meaning every word.

He moved his arm under her as she rolled over to lean on his chest, Jae welcoming the feel of her head as it rested there. Her fingers played with his nipple almost absentmindedly as she spoke on things while Jae listened without listening. The sound of her voice was almost melodic as she told him all that she'd done while he was away, Margaery speaking of projects and ruling and Jae finding that he barely heard what she said. It was only when she mentioned Joy that he truly paid attention, Jae now listening keenly as she told him of what had happened with his clothes and how it had been Joy's idea.

"She knew I was upset and angry with you, so she and Balerion decided I need to be comforted. You know that thing she does when she's with him, the way she talks to him." Margaery said with a giggle.

"The conversations?" he asked and she giggled some more as she nodded.

"Aye, that. They sat there and she told me that you should be punished and how we should move your clothing."

"So that's why you did it?" he asked with a smile as his hand brushed through his wife's hair.

"I told her we couldn't, I may have been angry with you but I know what it would look like, Jae. We've shared a room since we were wed, the servants and those closest to us, mayhap even the whole realm knows that we keep to the same bed chambers. So I know how it would look to suddenly have us in separate ones."

"Yet you sent me away anyway." he said Margaery snapping her head towards him only to see the smile on his face and giggle some more before she hid her head on his chest as she laughed more fully.

"You angered me so much that I did it without thinking." she said after she calmed down.

"My clothing?" he asked.

The Dragon Cub - Part 2Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant