378 9 4

(Three Moons since arriving at the Wall and Two and a Half since the long night fell.)

Casterly Rock 301 AC.


The journey to Lannisport annoyed her greatly, the idea of leaving their island uninhabited was not one she took pleasure in. Lord Jorah, Lady Maege, Lady Alysanne, Jory, Lyra, and Lyanna were all not best pleased either, and other than Lady Lynesse, none wished to leave. That they were ordered to do so by Jon was the only reason they had, although she'd heard Nymeria make her own wishes clear more than once. Her wolf and herself were at odds for the first time she could remember. Nymeria growling at her each time she had raised up the possibility of staying on Bear Island.

In the end, she'd gone with the wishes of everyone else, as truthfully what choice did she have. Though she would admit that the thoughts of her and Lyanna staying there and protecting the island by themselves were ones that brought a smile to her face. Watching it as it disappeared in the darkness of the night made her fear that she'd not see it again. Which in turn made her fear for her family who were fighting while she was not. Arya spending the first night on the She-Bear holding onto Nymeria as Lyanna slept blissfully unaware of her concerns.

It wasn't that she hid them or that Lyanna didn't share them, it was more that Arya had played them down and hadn't wished for both of them to worry so. As they sailed they were soon joined by other ships of the North, those leaving from Deepwood Motte and Sea Dragon Point and it made her hope that Larence was on one of them. The young boy was one of the few who wasn't a complete fool and both she and Lyanna had enjoyed his company each time they'd traveled to Deepwood Motte. As she stood on the deck of the She-Bear and watched the reflection of the lights from the ships shine on the sea, their lights the only light around for miles to see, she was joined by Lady Maege and Lyanna.

"We'll be reaching Lannisport in a few hours. Arya, your belongings are packed?" Lady Maege asked.

"They are, Lady Maege." Arya replied, she'd seen it so herself and hadn't really taken much from her chest while they sailed.

"I know you both wish to be elsewhere, as do I. But our king has tasked us with seeing our people safe, girls, and I know both of you will play your part in that." Lady Maege said touching her shoulder and doing likewise to Lyanna.

"What's Lannisport like, Lady Maege?" she asked curiously as she turned to look at the woman she admired most in the world.

"Dark." Maege said confusing her before all three of them began to laugh, in that it would be the same as everywhere else since the Long Night had fallen "It's a large city, Arya, bigger than White Harbor and almost of a size with King's Landing."

"Does it smell the same?" Lyanna asked as she scrunched up her nose, Arya remembering how both of them had thought that way about King's Landing though apparently, it was better now.

"No, it's far better managed." Lady Maege said.

"Do you think we could…could we visit Casterly Rock?" Arya asked hopefully.

"I'm sure we'll get the chance, now off you go the both of you, we'll eat and then make ready to dock." Lady Maege said and Arya nodded as she and Lyanna raced off to see to their things and to then join everyone in the cabin they ate their meals in.

She hoped she'd get to see the Rock as Jon always called it, the place her brother had spent most of his younger years and had learned so much. Perhaps see his room and the vaults he'd told her about as well as some of the people who'd meant so much to him. It was to this thought that she ate her meal and just as Lady Maege had said, no sooner had she done so than they were being told that land had been spotted.

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