574 17 10

King's Landing 300 AC.


The tourney was well received and both his sister and grandniece had been well feted. Seeing Elia named as the queen of love and beauty had been the highlight for him. Tyrion had sat in the crowd holding Arianne's hand as Loras rode up and placed the garland in Margaery's hands and then he like everyone there cheered when it was placed on Elia's head. Beside him, Arianne looked from the babe to the crowd and then down to her stomach and Tyrion knew exactly what she was thinking off.

Later that night they'd spoken about how the crowd had reacted to the crowning and he could see how emotional speaking Elia's name made his wife. It had been the same when Jae and Margaery had introduced Elia to them and told them what her name was and that she was to be the heir, Arianne had then needed a moment alone to compose herself. Both she and Oberyn had been almost overwhelmed that his nephew would do such a thing and though she'd japed about it to him later, he knew how much it had meant to her.

He'd enjoyed the squire's duels and the melee that followed. Tyrion remembering his own small part in making this something the realm had come to look forward to as much as the joust was at these tourneys. Arianne had cheered wildly for her cousin while he'd done the same for his own and for his nephew. Willem and Tommen both did well but Martyn proved once again to be the true talent. Now he found himself looking forward to the feast and as he dressed, he looked to his wife who was standing in front of the looking glass. She was turned sideways and the swell of her belly was even more pronounced.

"I think it's a boy." she said when she caught him looking her way.

"What makes you say that?" he asked as he moved towards her.

"It feels like a boy." she said and he chuckled as he put his hand on her stomach.

"It feels like a bump." he said laughing some more when she slapped his head.

"Our babe is not a bump." she said wrinkling her nose.

"Maybe it's babes?" he said and she looked down at him both aghast and amused at the same time "Twins." he said and she shook her head.

"One babe at a time is quite enough." she said and he nodded, making her giggle when he kissed her stomach.

"Boy or girl, it matters not little one. You'll be loved by your father and mother with all their heart regardless." Tyrion said and then moved away to continue dressing.

While he struggled to make himself look good in his own clothes, bump or not being with child suited his wife and when she was dressed she'd looked as beautiful as ever. Tyrion taking her hand and both of them making their way to the feast. He knew that she'd retire early as she did most nights now, while he'd need to stay far later. Dany was still in the first stages of being wed to her new husband and even getting is sister to come to feasts was a chore, getting her to stay was impossible. Aemon and Shiera hated them, they'd turn up and do their duty but would only stay as long as propriety demanded.

As for Margaery, with Jae away she too would only stay just as long as was proper before she'd then hurry back to her room and spend time with her daughter. So it would fall to him to represent House Targaryen and he found that he both couldn't wait for Jae to return and for his own departure back to Dorne. He missed it, Sunspear, the Old Palace, the Water Gardens, and flying over the sands at night on Lygaron with his wife behind him. The people, their own feasts, and the ruling most of all, he missed it and was keen to get back to it. Lygaron too he missed and yet he could sense the dragon and feel him somewhat, so he knew he'd return before Jae did and he looked forward to flying once more.

"Very well, don't answer me then?" Arianne said with a smirk on her face, Tyrion shaking his head as he realized that he'd not spoken once on the walk from their room to the Throne Room.

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